Friday, 2 August 2013

Dakshin Kannada Response - Coordination Among DAPCU

Need for DAPCU Coordination?
There is a need for DAPCUs to work in co-ordination with each other not only within the district, but also inter-state DAPCU co-ordination very much needed.

DAPCUs can support each other and co-ordinate in many issues like,
•    Follow up of LFU and MIS Pre ART or on ART cases.
•    Transferring out and following up any Positive ANC’s from    outside district.
•    Sharing best practices.
•    Kit Shortage and reallocation issues.
•    Conducting border district meetings to review and solve many issues like CD4 follow-up, treatment adherence etc.
Role of SACS:
SACS usually gives directions and suggestions to DAPCUs to enhance the co-ordination.

Coordinating Activities with the neighboring DAPCUs
Dakshina Kannada(Mangalore) district has done many activities in Co-ordination with neighboring district DAPCUs.
1.    An awareness talk on Radio was mainly motivated by Kodagu DAPCU team and also some suggestion taken about how to approach the All Indio Radio People.
2.    DAPCU Mangalore stores and distributes HIV test Kits to DAPCU Udupi and DAPCU Hassan through the vehicle from Mangalore.
3.    Every month we receive information from DAPCU Udupi about HIV Positive cases native of Mangalore and we also send information about HIV Positive cases from Udupi through E-mail.
4.    Any urgent or important issues will be always discussed with DAPCU officer over the phone like reporting issues etc.
5.     We have also taken the help of DAPCU Officer and District Supervisor of the other district as resource person while coordinating much training.
6.     Many good practices shared   mutually to improvise the performance of the district like preparing formats to get some information from PHC and CHCs about trimester wise ANC testing’s, STI/RTI reporting and private hospital testing etc.

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