Tuesday, 20 August 2013

DAPCU Bhandara Response to Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Service provided to the HIV Positive Migrants

In Bhandara district generally the positive migrant patients are from Gondia, Nagpur districts and very rarely the other state positive patients are from Madhya Pradesh. within district positive patients are provided comprehensive services by linking them with nodal ART center for PreART  registration ,CD4 count, counseling for drug adherence , psychosocial support etc. if the patient found stable on ART for six months then he can be shifted to the link ART center nearer to his residence.
Other District; whenever there is patient from other district found positive, that patient is linked to nodal ART center for pre ART registration CD4 count and if found eligible then taken ON ART, if patient is willing to continue the treatment from his own district then he can be transferred out to that particular district and the same is communicated to the concerned district.
Other State; whenever there is positive migrant from other state the patient is linked to nodal ART center for PreART registration CD4 count and if found eligible then taken ON ART, if patient is willing to continue the treatment from his own state then he can be transferred out to that particular district of the state and the same is communicated to the concerned district. 
Example- In the month of July 13 we had three positive patients from Hyderabad district state of Andhra Pradesh who were transferred out there after all necessary requirements and their linkage is confirmed. In this way the comprehensive HIV AIDS services are provided to the positive patients belonging to other districts and states.
Prevention and Early Detection
For prevention and early detection we arrange IEC activity like awareness camps, wall painting,  street play etc, in coordination with the NGOs working with DAPCU, provide counseling to college going students on every Saturday, maintain the line list of discordant couple and ensure their testing every 3 months
Linking to ART center, Treatment adherence, follow -up of LFU/MIS and PPTCT Services
Linking the positive patient to ART center is key indicator of the program and we ensure 100% linkage by taking special efforts with the help of counselor by taking the patient personally to ART centre for pre ART registration. At ART center the patient is counseled for drug adherence, side effects of the ART medicine are explained to the patient, family counseling is given to the patient so that he should not face any discrimination within his family. The patient is also linked to District level network of positive people so that he can get psychosocial support from them and should be free from any stigma. Follow-up of LFU/MIS is ensured by collecting line list of such patients from ART center and then the same is handover to Link workers, DLN network people and PPTCT NGO outreach workers so that they can trace out the patient detail and can inform the ART centre in return. 

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