DAPCUsare responsible for coordinating NACP activities at the district level. Across the country many DAPCUs have contributed significantly to the gains of the programme. DAPCU Akola observed a few common problems faced during service delivery. These problems were faced not just by Akola but across the state. The team especially Akola M&E designed the innovative strategy and conveyed to the MSACS which was very appreciated and included in AAP 2013-14. A very brief description of these processes is presented below
Each ART in the district faces the problem of LFU/MIS. A few common reasons observed by us were
- If client found positive in one district sometimes she/he prefers to take the ART services from neighboring districtdue to stigma issue. In such situation the status of such client reflect LFU in parent ART centeri i.e. If the client has not communicated to them or a proper transfer out process has not been followed
- ANC cases: ANCscommonly avail services in two districts viz. at her parents’ home and at her marital home. Tracing and follow up between districts becomes difficult for \EID/DBS, 6 weeks, 6 months, 12 months, 18 months
- Positive HRG especially Migrants/Truckers/FSW travelling from one district to the other also leads to them being reflected as LFU MIS
- Clients test at multiple ICTC centers for confirmation of their HIV status. In such situation client’s pre-ART status shows failure.
The Akola team especially the M&E Assistant has been looking for solutions to these concerns. The data from the district was analyzed, different strategies were discussed. One of the strategies explored by the team was a software based solution. An innovative system was designed called “Electro Unique Profiling System(EUPS)”.A concept note for this was designed by the initiative of the Akola team
What is EUPS and how it supports to the District level activities?In the EUPS system each ICTC and ART center are connect through electronic system. In ART/ICTC counselor has to take the thumb impression of particular client and upload client’s data to the online server. The data of the client will become accessible for each ICTC/ART in the state.
The programme already has basic infrastructure required to develop and implement this system. Only the programme and biometric machines will be required additionally.
Possible Advantages
- Due to implementation of this system we could avoid the problem of repeat registration/repeat testing as the profile of the client can be accessible to any facility through his thumb impression.
- Auto-updation of all the data of client at its parent ART center if the client came in Migrants/Trafficking FSW/Truckers group.
- This system could strengthen the referral and linkages services for the client e.g. the client could identified for the social benefit scheme by analyzing his profile.
- Current regimen, status of CD4, OI history etc can be viewed by scanning clients thumb impression in any ART center.
- State could generate the line-list of any client at just single click.
- There will be no need to maintain separate line-listing of any positive client at any ICTC/ART because data could be generate in excel base format.
- SACS could avoid the major problems of data duplication by accepting this system.
- This system could give the exact epicenter of HIV infection and one could analyze the accurate prevalence of specific territory.
- As system providing auto-updation data so there is no need to cross communication barriers with other district.
- Gap in EID/DBS program could be avoided by testing infant to the other EID center. We could provide EID/DBS services to the any neighboring district.
MSACS has been appreciative of this idea and has included it in its 2013-14 AAP. We will update you on any significant progress through this blog.
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