Tuesday, 6 August 2013

DAPCU Bangalore Rural Response to the Theme Co-ordination among DAPCU's

We need Inter District coordination to work with each other.

I.  Issues on  DAPCUs Support each other and Coordination achievement  
1. PLHIVs referrals to neighboring district or Nearest ART Center:   Getting  feedback of Pre-ART, ON ART, MISS/LFU and Death details to fallow up and re-enter to ART Center.
2. Positive ANCs Transfer out & Follow up: In case ANC Positives going to mother house for  delivery to other District and we have transfer out and intimation give to  RCH and DAPCU of the respective District to fallow up the ANC for the further PPTCT Services( Safe delivery, NVP Administration as per new guideline) 
3. TB Cases Transfer out to other District or TUs: Out of District TB Cases referred to his/her native place to initiate the DOTs and ART. To intimate to the DTO and DAPCU of the respective District and get the feedback of out come of the  TB treatment.
4. Share the innovative Ideas and Strategy : Any programmatic and preventive innovative ideas and strategy discussion & share each other in State level review meeting 
5. Training Coordination:  SACS conduct Induction, Refresher and other trainings trough Training institutions at the Mangalore, Darwad, Bangalore etc. The Respective District DAPCU arranges the training and accommodation then coordinate with other DAPCU to depute the training participants.
II. Role of SACS plays in enhancing this co-ordination 
1) SACS Created Official email ID to all DAPCUs in the state: All the information from NACO and others are sent to all DAPCUs
2) Given CUG Sim card to DPO, DS, and ART SMO & MO: Any issues clarification can easily sort out through phone calls.
3) State level DAPCUs Review meeting: DAPCUs give the feedback to their DAPCU & SACS give suggestion to strengthening the Program  
4) Reallocation of HIV Kits, STD Drugs & DBS Cards: SACS Directs to reallocate the excess of drugs or Kits to needed Centers of other District.
5) Quarterly Co-Ordination Meeting with neigh boring district ART center it is good. More to issues at the art center presently.
III. Support of other DAPCUs 
We have transferred out one ANC Positive Case to Shimoga, Megan Hospital to Safe Delivery and Baby fallow up. Now the Baby is on Fallow up.
1. We have received SD–Bioline kits from Tumkur district warehouse as directed by SACS.
2. We reallocated   Excess 30 DBS Cards to Yadgiri District and HIV Kit-1, 30 Kits to  Mangalore District. STD Drugs Kit-5 40 Kits to Shivamogga.
IV. Examples of the results achieved by their DAPCU Coordination.
1. Our district ANC positive went Shimoga District for delivery, she get NVP for MB pair DBS and provide CPT by Shimoga District. 
V. Give examples from your experience
1. Inter DAPCU coordination is were help full in achieving target without missing any case of ANC Positive follow up of DBS, WBS because ANC will be keep moving one place to another place. 
2. Miss LFU cases in a ART and deaths can be easily traced with the help of neighboring/other District.
3. Any innovate method adopted by any DAPCU will share their knowledge   so that other DAPCU can implement the same to the improve the program.

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