Sunday, 30 December 2012

Wardha Response to Monthly Theme - Mainstreaming

DAPCU WARDHA is always in a search of the ways to reach to the high risk population through various ways of IEC and mainstreaming. ICTC counselor of Arvi  shri. Rahul Shende has done the extraordinary efforts for IEC. He met to the Depot-Manager Maharashtra Roadways and taken the permission for IEC event. Arvi is a town connected with the more than 150 villages. Thursday was a market day in a Arvi so all the rural population came to the town place on that day.
By taking this opportunity ICTC has arranged the HIV/AIDS awareness activity in the bus-stand. The information about HIV/AIDS has shared with passengers on bus-stand. The Do’s and Don’ts about HIV has explained to the passengers. To avoid any stigma & discrimination issue counselor has explained, ‘how to behave with the PLHIV’.
 Depot-manager appreciated the efforts taken by the counselor and requested to repetition of such event in continuous time intervals. Counselor has given the condom demo and also distributed the IEC material to the more than 250-300 passengers.

A few other examples of our Mainstreaming activities are below 

Activity Done with Line Department
Education Department
RRC Formation
10 RRC formed in Colleges in the District
Women & Child Welfare Department
Advocacy of Staff for Stigma & Discrimination

Service Delivery
Awareness about HIV/AIDS  in the staff.
Providing hostel Facility & Rs 450/- permonth  to  Infected  Child
District Civil Supplies Department
Bus Fair
Bus Fair are given to the PLHIV for Pre ART and Medicine from RKS fund.  Who are on ART for reaching ART centre.
Police Department
Awareness about HIV/AIDS.
HIV Testing At Jail.
Prisoners are being tested at Jail for HIV

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