Saturday, 22 December 2012

Karimnagar Response to Theme of the Month Mainstreaming

Importance of mainstreaming
As the HIV/AIDS is not only health problem, but it is also social, economical, psychological problem, all other related departments /organizations need to be involved
Regular health department to be involved in HIV/AIDS prevention programmes from top to grass root level
Stigma & Discrimination to PLHAs while getting medical facilities and entitlements by other departments can be removed

Well planned linkage and co-ordination with other departments/organizations
Conduction of regular co-ordination meetings with identified departments/organizations under the chairmanship of district key officials
Involvement of public representatives/local bodies/PLHA networks
DAPCU should have plan of action

The role of DAPCU
DAPCU to take overall responsibility of mainstreaming activities in the district
DAPCU to identify key departments/organizations in which mainstreaming activities to be conducted
If DAPCU is able to identify the places/groups where HIV prevalence is high, then the HIV/AIDS prevention activities will be conducted with the support/co-ordination of concerned identified departments

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