Monday, 10 December 2012

Tirpur - Mainstreaming Efforts

By mainstreaming with line departments the message of HIV/AIDS prevention will reach more number of people in the District

Strategies in Tirupur
  1. With Mahalir Thittam Department more number of Self Help Groups can be approached and the message of HIV/AIDS prevention will reach more women.
  2. With Labour Department more number of Labourers working in the companies and factories can be approached
  3. With Education Department more number of College & School students can be approached
  4. With Panchayat Raj Department more number of Elected Representatives of Panchayats (Village/Town) can be approached
The Role of DAPCU

  1. Whenever monthly meeting of Self Help Groups conducted by the Mahalir Thittam Department DAPCU staff will participate in the meeting and explain HIV/AIDS prevention
  2. By having close contact with Labour Department whenever they organise Labour related programmes DAPCU staff will participate in the programme and explain HIV/AIDS prevention
DAPCU, Tirupur Conducted HIV/AIDS awareness programme at M/s.UNI Source Treend India Company, Perumanallur, Tirupur District on 21.05.2012 for about 250 workers of the above company

On 05.10.2012 Labour Department of Tirupur organized 1-day Conference on “National Policy on HIV/AIDS and the World of work” at Tirupur and DAPCU Tirupur staff by Power point presentation explained the HIV/AIDS prevention
  • With Education Department DAPCU RRC District Manager arranges Life Skill Programme for School/College students.  DAPCU staff participated in the programme and explains HIV/AIDS prevention.a. 
  • With Panchayat Raj Department whenever they conducted meeting for Elected Representatives DAPCU staff will participate in the meeting and explain HIV/AIDS prevention.
  • During Grama Sabha Meetings DAPCU staff and HIV/AIDS service facilities staff will participate in the meeting and explain HIV/AIDS prevention
  • During Grama Sabha Meetings held on 15.08.2012 in all 265  Panchayats of Tirupur District HIV/AIDS Oath was taken, District Collector and Govt. Officials are participated in this
  • DAPCU staff, HIV/AIDS facilities (ART Centre, ICTC, STI, BB, NGOs) and DPH staff (Medical Officers/Health Inspectors/Village Health Nurse) participated in the Grama Sabha meeting and explained HIV/AIDS prevention

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