Wednesday, 26 December 2012

North Delhi's response to the Theme of the Month Mainstreaming

Importance of Mainstreaming:

Mainstreaming HIV/AIDS enables management of sectors and institutions to address the causes and
effects of HIV/ AIDS in an effective and sustained manner, both through their usual work and within their

Mainstreaming addresses both the direct and indirect aspects of HIV/ AIDS within the context of the
normal functions of an organisation, sector, institution or community. It is essentially a process whereby
a sector analyses how HIV/ AIDS can impact it now and in the future, and considers how sectoral
policies, decisions and actions might influence the longer-term development of the epidemic and the

Source:- ilo_aids/documents/legaldocument/wcms_140595.pdf


1. Well planned linkage and co-ordination with other departments/organizations.
2. Support from the respective Departments for the PLHA-by providing different social benefit Schemes.
3. Awareness Programme through Mass Media.
4. Active Participation in DAPCC Meeting & further support.

 Role of DAPCU:

1. DAPCU to take overall responsibility of mainstreaming activities in the district.
2. DAPCU to identify key departments/organizations in which mainstreaming activities to be conducted.
3. If DAPCU is able to identify the places/groups where HIV prevalence is high, then the HIV/AIDS prevention activities will be conducted with the support/co-ordination of concerned identified departments.

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