Monday, 31 December 2012

MSACS Poster on Facilitating Access to Social Benefit Schemes

We are very happy to share a contribution from Maharashtra State AIDS Control Society. This is a poster presented during the Inter Ministerial Mainstreaming Conference held at NACO in Dec 2012. The poster highlights the work undertaken by the districts in facilitating access to social benefit schemes in the state. DAPCUs have played a major role in these processes . To view and download the original please click on this link 



PPTCT Service in Pvt. Hospitals
  Parbhani district is situated in Marathwada at Maharashtra state. As per the census 2011 the total population of Parbhani district is 18, 35,982. Parbhani district comes in ‘A’ category with a very high number of HRG. The population in the rural area lacks education and holds many superstitions.
In Parbhani there are total 12 brothel situated in the urban as well as rural part of the district which is very high. The prevalence in the general client is more than 3% and in ANC it is 0.79. As far as the HRG population scattered in the district SACS has allotted all the TI (MSM, FSW, MIGRANT) in the district and they are performing well.
Issue PPTCT in the private sector
DAPCU is trying best to coordinate all the activities of the NGO’s, ICTC and ART. In the district, total 42 maternity homes were situated having a very high number of ANC registrations. In private hospital it was most important to avail the HIV testing facility. The HIV prevalence in the ANC was very high as well as the ANC population in the private hospital was untested. SACS has nominated the SAATHII organization to work with DAPCU. The major functioning of SAATHII was to avail the HIV testing facility at private hospitals and tie-up these hospitals to the SACS so that positive ANC could get PPTCT basket. It was a tough challenge in front of DAPCU to establish this concept in the private hospitals as about more than 50% population of ANC registered in the private hospitals. It was most important to provide PPTCT basket to the ANC those who were registered in the maternity home.
DAPCU has called the meeting of entire Gynecologist under FOGSI. SAATHII and DAPCU explained the PPP (Public Private Partnership) concept to the Gynecologists, explained the importance of PPTCT basket to the positive ANC. After the meeting DPO & DS met personally the
Gynecologists, those who had some doubt.
DAPCU provided instant services to the maternity homes those who were tie-up with the SACS. DAPCU has provided kits, consumables and training to the concern PPP.
Out Come:
Till date 17 private hospitals has tie-up with the SACS. At the end of the financial year 2011-12 the cumulative ANC testing of district went above 30%.Out of the total ANC testing more than 50% of ANC testing from the private hospital. MB Pair covered in the district has gone 100% Total 30% ANC has taken the benefit of PPTCT basket from private hospital.


Sunday, 30 December 2012

Wardha Response to Monthly Theme - Mainstreaming


DAPCU WARDHA is always in a search of the ways to reach to the high risk population through various ways of IEC and mainstreaming. ICTC counselor of Arvi  shri. Rahul Shende has done the extraordinary efforts for IEC. He met to the Depot-Manager Maharashtra Roadways and taken the permission for IEC event. Arvi is a town connected with the more than 150 villages. Thursday was a market day in a Arvi so all the rural population came to the town place on that day.
By taking this opportunity ICTC has arranged the HIV/AIDS awareness activity in the bus-stand. The information about HIV/AIDS has shared with passengers on bus-stand. The Do’s and Don’ts about HIV has explained to the passengers. To avoid any stigma & discrimination issue counselor has explained, ‘how to behave with the PLHIV’.
 Depot-manager appreciated the efforts taken by the counselor and requested to repetition of such event in continuous time intervals. Counselor has given the condom demo and also distributed the IEC material to the more than 250-300 passengers.

A few other examples of our Mainstreaming activities are below 

Activity Done with Line Department
Education Department
RRC Formation
10 RRC formed in Colleges in the District
Women & Child Welfare Department
Advocacy of Staff for Stigma & Discrimination

Service Delivery
Awareness about HIV/AIDS  in the staff.
Providing hostel Facility & Rs 450/- permonth  to  Infected  Child
District Civil Supplies Department
Bus Fair
Bus Fair are given to the PLHIV for Pre ART and Medicine from RKS fund.  Who are on ART for reaching ART centre.
Police Department
Awareness about HIV/AIDS.
HIV Testing At Jail.
Prisoners are being tested at Jail for HIV

Banda DAPCUs response to the Theme of the month - Mainstreaming


Wednesday, 26 December 2012

North Delhi's response to the Theme of the Month Mainstreaming


Importance of Mainstreaming:

Mainstreaming HIV/AIDS enables management of sectors and institutions to address the causes and
effects of HIV/ AIDS in an effective and sustained manner, both through their usual work and within their

Mainstreaming addresses both the direct and indirect aspects of HIV/ AIDS within the context of the
normal functions of an organisation, sector, institution or community. It is essentially a process whereby
a sector analyses how HIV/ AIDS can impact it now and in the future, and considers how sectoral
policies, decisions and actions might influence the longer-term development of the epidemic and the

Source:- ilo_aids/documents/legaldocument/wcms_140595.pdf


1. Well planned linkage and co-ordination with other departments/organizations.
2. Support from the respective Departments for the PLHA-by providing different social benefit Schemes.
3. Awareness Programme through Mass Media.
4. Active Participation in DAPCC Meeting & further support.

 Role of DAPCU:

1. DAPCU to take overall responsibility of mainstreaming activities in the district.
2. DAPCU to identify key departments/organizations in which mainstreaming activities to be conducted.
3. If DAPCU is able to identify the places/groups where HIV prevalence is high, then the HIV/AIDS prevention activities will be conducted with the support/co-ordination of concerned identified departments.

Ahmednagar Response to the theme of the month

As a response to the theme of the month we want to share a brief about Mainstreaming with the Tribal Department - Tribal Residential School Head-Masters Training

Ahmednagar is covered in a Very High prevalence district in Maharashtra. The various parts in Ahmednagar district comes in a tribal area. To run the HIV/AIDS awareness in this area always a big task in front of DAPCU. Implementation of IEC sources in this area always put a big question mark due to illiteracy and language problem.

Ahmednagar DAPCU had organized one day workshop of Tribal residential school headmasters on 06/11/2012 at Rajur, Town Akole. The program was organized for creating awareness about HIV/AIDS. The participants were also told about the activities conducted by the DAPCU for the AIDS awareness. The aim of the program was to bring this highly educated part of the society in to mainstreaming. This workshop held under the guidance of Dr. Ravindra Niturkar (District Civil Surgeon). The DPO shri. Shivaji Jadhao, Network representative shri. Prashant yende, shri. Satish Bankar from TBs department had made a presentation and cleared the doubts of participants. This team mainly focused on the role of the head-masters in HIV/AIDS program. The participants discussed the issues very confidently.

The IEC material has distributed to the participants. Total 50 Headmasters from the Tribal residential school were present. Integrated Tribal project Officer Mr. Pichad and Project Coordinator Mr. Rathod were also present.

Koraput World AIDS Day Update


World AIDS Day was first conceived in August 1987 by James W. Bunn and Thomas Netter, two public information officers for the Global Programme on AIDS at the World Health Organization in Geneva, Switzerland. Bunn and Netter took their idea to Dr. Jonathan Mann, Director of the Global Programme on AIDS (now known as UNAIDS). Dr. Mann liked the concept, approved it, and agreed with the recommendation that the first observance of World AIDS Day should be 1 December, 1988.

As a result:

  • The overall WAD concept/overarching theme for the next four years will be “Getting to Zero” (till 2015) with the understanding that different groups and regions will focus on a zero which is most relevant to them.
  • The World AIDS Campaign adoption of “Zero AIDS-Related Deaths” as its World AIDS Day focus for 2011 under the overarching theme of “Getting to Zero”.

Planning For the Observance of WAD-12 / Pre-Processing meeting with representatives Of Service Delivery Units: A meeting was conducted on dated 22nd Nov’12 regarding observance of World AIDS Day 2012. In the meeting the consents were taken from the representatives of Service Delivery Units. As per the discussion the following decisions and work distribution has been made:

A multistake holder rally will be initiated from DHH, Koraput & ended at Culture Office campus – Responsibilities DAPCU staffs other representatives of SDPs.

Public Meeting was planned to conduct at the District Culture Office campus- Responsibilities DAPCU staffs and representatives of SDPs.

Hoarding are decided to display at the 5 nos. of venues – i.e. Bus Stand campus, NAC front office, DHH campus, CDMO Office front wall.

Two numbers of multi stake holder Rally banner – planning of banner would be made at the DAPCU, Koraput.

  • Cap for the participants will be arranged by SOVA, Koraput.
  • Hoarding Banner cost will be borne by Lepra India, Jeypore.  
  • Blood Donation camp will be organized by DAPCU in association with ORCBB, DHH, Koraput.
  • All the Colleges of Koraput Town will be intimated to send their students for participating in the Quiz, Debate & Essay Competitions to be organized on 29th Nov’12 at the DAPCU Conference Hall. To manage the whole competition jury members were selected i.e. Mr. Santosh Kumar Behera, BCC Coordinator, Mr. Narayan Das, DIS, DAPCU, Mr. Sankarsan Nayak, Vice Principal, Kendriya Vidyalaya, Koraput. 
All the Colleges of Koraput Town will be intimated to send their students for participating in the Quiz, Debate & Essay Competitions to be organized on 29th Nov’12 at the DAPCU Conference Hall. To manage the whole competition jury members were selected i.e. Mr. Santosh Kumar Behera, BCC Coordinator, Mr. Narayan Das, DIS, DAPCU, Mr. Sankarsan Nayak, Vice Principal, Kendriya Vidyalaya, Koraput.

Activities conducted for the observance of world aids day’12: As per the decision taken in the previous meeting with all the representatives of Service Delivery Units all the letter has been communicated to all the District level officials related to the line departments, all Medical officers and Doctors of Hospitals to attend the public meeting. Circle Jail Superintendent was contacted to take permission for conducting jail sensitization programme with jail inmates and jail staffs. All Principal of the Koraput town were contacted and communicated to send their student to participate in the competitions to be conducted at the DAPCU conference hall. Hindustan Flex was ordered to print the banner for the World AIDS Day as well as printing of Certificates for the competitions. The duties of all activities were distributed among all the staffs and volunteers of Service Delivery Units. Tent House was contacted to fascinate the District Culture office campus and installation of tents for shading environment. 
Conduction of competition on Quiz, Debate and Essay on the observance of WAD-12: As per the communication students of all town colleges were gathered at the DAPCU conference hall on dated 29th Nov’12. Before conducting the programme a small introductory meeting was conducted by involving all the participants as well as resource persons like: DPM, DAPCU, Koraput and other jury members. Then, the Essay and Debate Competition were made side by side. For the organizing and successively implementing the programme all the representatives of Service Delivery Units were attended at the competition venue. The list of participants has been enlisted and decided to provide participatory certificate to all the participants along with positioned held persons. After completion of the Debate and Essay Competitions, the open quiz competitions were made by involving all the participants coming from College level. Instant prizes were provided to the participants in the open quiz completion by the resource person. The questions of quiz were related to HIV/AIDS prevention and control, care, support and treatment as well as facilities related to it. All the participants were actively involved in the competitions and acquired knowledge on HIV/AIDS. It was informed to all the participants of debate and essay competitions that the result of the competition will be declared at the Public meeting on World AIDS Day and all the participants were requested to attend the public meeting.
Conduction of Workshop on HIV/AIDS in the circle jail: A jail sensitisation workshop has been conducted at the Circle Jail, Koraput on dated 27th Nov'12. The workshop was attended by Mr. Narayan Das, DIS & Mr. C. S. Pattanaik, Programme Assistant, DAPCU, Koraput as the resource person in the presence of Mr. B. Sahu, Circlie Jail Superintendent, Mr. B. B. Behera, Pharmacist, Dr. A. Patra, Medical Officer of Circle Jail and other staffs. In the workshop about 450 jail prisoners were attended as the participants. In the workshop they were sensitised on Routes of Transmission, Stigma and Discrimination relating to HIV./AIDS, prevention, control and care on HIV/AIDS by the resource person. At last a questionary session was conducted among the prisoners and few among them asked several questions related to HIV/AIDS prevention and Control and all the queries has been described by the resource persons. The special programme also covered by Samaj – press representative and this meeting report was also prescribed at the front page of Samaj on next day i.e. 28th Nov’12.
Activities conducted on dated 1st Dec’12:  As per the decision taken in the previous meeting, the agenda was prepared with due consent from Dr. P. K. Mohanty, CDMO, Koraput. All the colleges were re-informed and personally invited by the staffs of DAPCU for student of the colleges. The following are the activities which were undertaken on that day:
Rally and Public meeting:
Rally :
A rally was initiated from District Headquarter Hospital, Koraput on 8:30 AM followed by RRE van. In the rally about 350 nos of college students involved as the participants. The rally was inaugurated and flagged up by Dr. Promod Kumar Mohanty, CDMO, Koraput with the presence of Dr. K. P. Behera, ADMO (PH) & DNO (AIDS), Koraput, Dr. Ch. K. R. Mishra, DTO & ADMO (FW) I/c, DHH, Koraput, Dr. N. K. Pattanaik, SMO, ART Centre, DHH, Koraput and all the Medical Officers of DHH, Koraput with representatives and staffs of all service delivery units. The rally was marched through Pujariput, Jagannath Mandir Chowk, Amala Kutir Road, Koraput Bus stand, SP office road, collectorate office road and destination. In the rally slogans were hosted by the DAPCU staffs and representatives of Service Delivery Units and disseminated message on HIV/AIDS among the general public. Leaflets were also distributed among the public relating to HIV/AIDS and importance on observance of the World AIDS Day.

Hosting on HIV/AIDS at the Public meeting campus:
After the rally, all the participants were involved to know the importance of the day. Staffs of DAPCU and representatives of Service delivery units were disseminated messages and speech on importance of the day observed and a small interaction was also organized with the participants of the meeting on HIV/AIDS. In that session, they were asked various questions on HIV/AIDS and the participants were involved in the process.  
Guest invitation:
Mr. Narayan Das, DIS, DAPCU, Koraput invited all the invited guest to the dias. The public meeting was started on 11:00 AM. In the public meeting Ms. Malati Majhi, Chairman, Zilla Parishad, Koraput was attended the public meeting as Chief Guest. Mr. Bhagaban Bahibipati, Vice President, NAC, Koraput, Dr. P. K.  Mohanty, CDMO, Koraput, Mr. Niranjan Rout, SDPO, Mr. Bhagaban Khara, District Culture Officer, Dr. K. P. Behera, Asst. District Medical Officer (PH) & DNO (AIDS) I/c, Dr. Ch. K. R. Mishra, ADMO (FW) & DTO, Mr. Ashok Kumar Patro, Additional District Social Welfare Officer, Mr. P. Mallick, District Information and Public Relation Officer were attended the public meeting as Guest of Honour. The whole meeting was convened by Dr. Ch. K. R. Mishra, DTO, DHH, Koraput.
Public meeting:
In the speech of Smt. Malati Majhi, Zilla Parishad, Koraput, has expressed that: the adolescent students of Colleges and High Schools are needed to sensitize themselves regarding HIV/AIDS and create themselves a media to disseminate message on HIV/AIDS. While Dr. P. K. Mohanty, CDMO, Koraput expressed that whole scenario of Koraput district on the ground of HIV/AIDS. He described it as a giant for human and the right and correct information will only keep protected the general public from the virus or phase. Mr. Bhagaban Bahinipati, Vice president, NAC, Koraput, Mr. Niranjan Rout, SDPO & Mr. Bhagaban Khara, District Culture Officer had also expressed their speech on the importance of observance of World AIDS Day and activities conducted by the Service Delivery Units on the field of HIV/AIDS. They also requested all the public of the Koraput town to take a right step for zero HIV/AIDS infection in Koraput District.
Prize distribution:
After ending of public meeting the competitor of different competitions i.e. Debate and Essay were awarded with prizes by Mrs. Malati Majhi, Chief Guest and Dr. P. K. Mohanty, CDMO, Koraput. In the debate competition Ms. Rasmita Mohanty,       Mr. Sanjaya Kumar Palo, Ms. Santa Mohanty of Central University were awarded with 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize respectively, like as in essay competition: Ms. Priyanaka Sharma of Central University, Mr. Gouran Mohaptra of Kendriya Vidyalaya, Mr. Suresh Podal of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar College were awarded with 1st, 2nd & 3rd prize respectively from the resource person of the meeting.     

Cultural programme: Dhemsa and Odishi dance:
Cultural programme was conducted at the public meeting stage after completion of Prize distribution ceremony. As the first performer of cultural programme SOVA was conducted Dhemsa troupe dance by hiring the cultural troupe of Dhemsa cultural association. After the dhemsa programme Odishi dance was performed by the Sangeeta Kala Parishad cultural groups and was conducted by NKP+, Koraput.
Organization of Voluntary Blood Donation Camp at Semiliguda College:
With association of Orissa Red Cross Blood Bank, DHH, Koraput on dated 15th December’12, a voluntary Blood Donation Camp was organized at the Conference Hall of Semiliguda College, Semiliguda, Koraput. In the venue 60 units blood collected from student of the Semiliguda College. All the Blood Donors were provided with Certificate and Identity Card with the approval of Blood Bank Officer, DHH, Koaput. In the VBD camp, Ms. Rasmita Mohanty, DPM, DAPCU, Koraput, Mr. Narayan Das, DIS, DAPCU & Mr. Chandra Sekhar Pattanaik, Programme Assistant, DAPCU, Koraput had attended as the resource person.
Ending: The main aim behind conduction of aforesaid whole programme is to sensitize the general public on HIV/AIDS and motivate them for Voluntary Blood Donation. As a whole, DAPCU, Koraput is so much grateful before OSACS, BBSR, District Health Administration, Koraput and all Service Delivery Units as they has provided all sort of technical assistance and financial support to organize such grand month long observance. The process will be continued for the whole year & beginning at the World AIDS Day with an aim to create a new world without HIV/AIDS.

Navasari Response for the Theme of the Month-Mainstreaming


Importance of this activity
HIV/AIDS remains the greatest sustainable human development challenge for Society Its impacts have increasingly become complex and affect all economic and social sectors. The impacts range from declining life expectancy, economic productivity, and investment in education, health, agriculture and human capital development. HIV is threatening the traditional community safety measures food security and long-term social economic development by contributing to deepening poverty, reducing individuals ability to save and invest financial resources.
The underlying principle of this policy is to save lives at all costs. With the effective safety measures under Social protection, the government can encourage moderate risk –taking by the poor leading to high average income and hence shielding the poor from economic, social, environmental and political shocks.
Integration of Social and Behavior Change .Communication interventions in the work place, schools and community.

The Role of DAPCU 
The  DAPCU  is  playing important role in coordination of all sector-based Like Low socio economic to high socio economic cluster to reduce the rate of HIV infection.  DAPCU involve in district-level HIV/AIDS prevention & control programme with guideline of NACO. DAPCU maintain equilibrium with private NGO’s & other institute which involve in to full fill the mission & vision of prevent & control HIV/ AIDS.

AKOLA Response for the Theme-Mainstreaming


Akola DAPCU contributing their efforts to coordinate with various  Departments for the benefit of PLHIV.
·         DAPCU has taken the continuous sensitization programs with various departments. Under the leadership of District Collector, DAPCU has successfully conducted the interventions for the benefit of PLHIV.
·         The Social Benefit Scheme run by the govt was a big hurdle for the PLHIV. After the mainstreaming efforts with the revenue department, DAPCU is able to provide benefit to more than 1200 PLHIV.

In the second intervention DAPCU plan a strategy to strengthen the PLHIV with the help of District Industrial Center.
·         DIC arranged the vocational training for the PLHIV, provide them a stipend, provide them equipments and also help them financially to establish small scale business.
DAPCU also taking continuous efforts with the other departments like-
·        Education departments for establishing RRC, Transport departments for testing HRG (Truckers), Women & Child Welfare Department for providing social benefit scheme to CLHIV, Police department for IEC & Blood Donation.

Saturday, 22 December 2012

Karimnagar Response to Theme of the Month Mainstreaming


Importance of mainstreaming
As the HIV/AIDS is not only health problem, but it is also social, economical, psychological problem, all other related departments /organizations need to be involved
Regular health department to be involved in HIV/AIDS prevention programmes from top to grass root level
Stigma & Discrimination to PLHAs while getting medical facilities and entitlements by other departments can be removed

Well planned linkage and co-ordination with other departments/organizations
Conduction of regular co-ordination meetings with identified departments/organizations under the chairmanship of district key officials
Involvement of public representatives/local bodies/PLHA networks
DAPCU should have plan of action

The role of DAPCU
DAPCU to take overall responsibility of mainstreaming activities in the district
DAPCU to identify key departments/organizations in which mainstreaming activities to be conducted
If DAPCU is able to identify the places/groups where HIV prevalence is high, then the HIV/AIDS prevention activities will be conducted with the support/co-ordination of concerned identified departments

Vizianagaram Response to to Theme of the Month - Mainstreaming

Importance of mainstreaming
  • To strengthen capacity, formulate policy and guide implementation to enable a decentralized response focused on local needs.
  • The prevention messages in all government offices, organized and unorganized private sector and civil society organizations, and training and sensitization of stakeholders are passed on through.
  • Paying special attention to socio-economic parameters that increase vulnerability to HIV/AIDS and making way towards high national productivity.
  • Devising a multi-sector coordinated communication strategy
  • To build right perspectives about NACP, its goal, rationale and objectives and to create an understanding on the need and rationale of NACP
  • To develop right perspectives about mainstreaming and convergence issues related to HIV/AIDS with various departments
  • Build a strong platform for DAPCUs’ smooth functioning in the districts
  • Identify and build local resources for conducting similar kind of sensitization workshops at inter and intra department level
  • DAPCU sensitized 34 Department in the District on NACP III Goals and HIV/AIDS Programme in the District in the FY 2009-10
  • Maximum Testing and Treatment facilities have been integrated in Regular Health system.
  • Lot of Trainings have been conducted to Health Dept.            Personnel with the coordination of NRHM
Role of DAPCU:
  • Involve Line Departments in Planning of District Annual Action Plan of DAPCU and take recommendations given by them.
  • Communicate and involve line Departments in all the events and campaigns
  • Get the information regular Meeting & Trainings of Line Departments and use it for sensitization activity
  • DAPCU need to take opportunity of every invitation/communication of Line Departments and participate in their programmes.
  • Recognize the involvement of line Departments in the events like World AIDS Day.
  • Seek support in DAPCC or DCC meetings through chairman.
  • Share the developments in HIV/AIDS programmes regularly
  • Involvement Communities in committee meetings to sensitize line Departments by the communities (PLHA/FSW/MSM etc..)
  • Documentation & Filing will help DAPCU in future collaboration with Line Departments and proposals. 
Activities done with Line Departments
Name of the Department
Activity Name
Women & Child Welfare Department
Jagruti Programme
HIV positive Children are getting Double nutrition at ICDS Centre
HIV Positive ANCs are getting Double ration.
Nehru Yuva Kendra (NYK)
Youth Volunteers Training
3 TOTs were developed 30 Youth Volunteers were Trained in HIV/AIDS Programme as TOT.
Distributed IEC Materials to all Mandals
Involving in IEC & Folk Media Campaigns
Zilla Samakya
District Level Resource Persons were already trained.
Mandal level trainings were conducted for SHGs
District Rural Development Authority (DRDA)
Rs. 200/-  Pension is being distributed through Andhra Bank ATM to all PLHAs who are on ART
District Civil Supplies Department
Service Deliviery
AAY cards have been released to HIV Positive families.
Zilla Parishad
Ward Member Training
1720 ward member were trained on HIV/AIDS in the District. And CEO, ZP came forward and develop IEC on their own.
Indira Kanthi Padham
Jyothi Project
 2 Mandals were covered under Jyothi Project
Police Department
HIV testing at Jail
Creating enabling environment for HRGs
Prisoners are being tested at Jails for HIV & Blood donation Camps were organized at PTC
All Police personnel are being sensitized on ITPA Act and Target Intervention Activities.
Education Department
RRC Formation
RRCs formed in High Schools, Juior, Degree, DIET, BED & Vocational Colleges in the District.
Women & Child Welfare Department
Service Delivery
Providing Double ration to HIV infected & affected children in the district.
Integrated Tribal Welfare Department Agency
Developed TOTs from Tribal Department and conducted Training for ITDA staff on HIV/AIDS activities.
One consultant has been posted at ITDA to strengthen the HIV/AIDS facilities and improve the uptake of the services
AP Road & Transport Corporation
Bus Passes
Bus passes are being issued to the PLHA who are on ART for reaching ART centre once in a month.