Monday, 8 October 2012

Response to September Theme: DAPCU AKOLA


Why Positive Prevention is necessary?
Positive prevention is necessary to slower down the prevalence rate of the district. Positive prevention is the main parameter which includes the prevention of HIV transformation from infected PLHIV to uninfected person, it also includes the upliftment of PLHIV by providing them a quality life through proper counseling, medicines, social benefit schemes.

Role of DAPCU Akola in Positive Prevention :

DAPCU Akola is working hard towards positive prevention , some areas are listed below:

1. By Strengthening the Counselling factor in ICTC & ART : 
This is the most important & basic parameter for positive prevention. Through proper counselling counselor build up the capacity of PLHIV. If required several sessions of counselling are conducted in the ART centre. Counselor suggest the ways to prevent infection from PLHIV to uninfected person and convince the mind of PLHIV to avoid any problematic condition.The linkages of ICTC-ART is more than 100% and taken care that each one should get quality counselling.

2. Proper supply of Condoms to the end person : 

DAPCU plays a major role for providing condoms to the end client. Link workers Scheme has established 162 condom depo(s) in rural part of the district whereas TI NGOs are taking care of all the brothel-base area and HRG spots. ICTC is also a major source where the condom promotion and distribution is taking place.

3. Blood Safety :
In each blood bank, care has been taken that each unit should be tested for HIV, HCB, HCV, Malaria and syphilis.

4.Counseling sessions through DIC & PACT
Drop in center is playing a major role by providing various services to the PLHIV. The major role of DIC to strengthen the capacity of PLHIV and guide them for quality of life. DIC providing various social benefit scheme to the PLHIV, providing them a counseling, distribution of mass stock of condoms, forming their Self help group for upliftment of their financial status.

5.Maximum utilization of IEC resources:

DAPCU utilizing all the resources for IEC ie. Link workers scheme, TI, PPTCT NGO, ICTC and Local media network etc.

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