Monday, 8 October 2012

North Delhi DAPCU Response to Theme of the Month- Positive Prevention

Why is positive prevention important?

Positive Prevention is important forimproving the health of persons living with HIV/AIDS and toprevent further transmission of HIV/AIDS through PLHIVs. Positive prevention optimizes the health and well-being of HIV-positive people by promoting risk reduction activities promoting healthy lifestyle choices.
What are the strategies for positive prevention underway in our districts?

The strategies which we are using in North District, New Delhi are as follows:
  1. Promoting voluntary confidential counseling,testing and post test counseling.
  2. Linking PLHIV with ART Centers, CCC and Drop-in-Centers.
  3. Follow-up counseling and out reach in the home of positive clients facing crisis with the consent.
  4. Reinforce & monitor the client’s behavior change and help them to address the issues.
  5. Leaving the door open for PLHIV means they can always come to service centers in case they face any issues in terms of further care and treatment or legal issues.
  6. Encouraging beneficial disclosure and ethical partner notification.
  7. Providing counselling for sero-discordant couples.
  8. Condom promotion activity through TI NGOs and also have plan for campain in the district.
  9. Link PLHIVs with social benefit schemes so that they can improve their life style.
  10. The DAPCU will ensure professional management of the program through regular monitoring & supervision. 

 These are some of the roles the DAPCU can play

Targeted interventions:  Facilitate access to AIDS prevention and treatment services, general health services and other entitlements. This creates a supportive environment for TIs to function

Assured Safe Blood and Blood Products:  Develop a district wise information and transportation scheme to provide blood and blood components to Blood Storage Centers. Deal with infrastructure issues of blood banks Monitor disposal of hospital waste with the help of hospital and district administration.

Condom Promotion:  Monitor availability of condoms at service provision point and ensure the rational use.

Communication and Social Mobilization: Conduct district level IEC campaign Use local channels for demand generation Work with TI NGO for social mobilization for HIV prevention and management.

Women, Children and young adultsWorking with district level departments for prevention, treatment and impact mitigation on women, children and adolescents.

Migrants, Trafficked Persons & Populations in Cross-border areas:  Provide pre departure guidance to migrants and provide linkages to organizations in destination areas with the help of district administration.

Mainstreaming with Public and Private Sector: Technical support to district level organizations to integrate HIV in their functions. Provide linkages to HIV services in to district departments and organization.

Providing care support and treatment for children infected and affected with HIV/AIDS:  Monitor children born to positive mothers for early signs of the need for ART.
Monitor and investigate any instance of denial of rights to HIV infected and affected children
 to protect the rights of children.

Impact mitigation: Set up linkages with district level organizations and departments for support to PLHA and their families.   Facilitate access of PLHAs to social support.

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