Tuesday, 10 September 2013

East Delhi DAPCU Response to the Theme- Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Services to the HIV Positive Migrants

Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Service are provided to the HIV Positive Migrants:

East District Delhi is situated in border of Uttar Pardesh (Ghaziabad & Noida).  Patparganj & Jhil Mil industrial areas are also situated in East District, Delhi. The migration pattern is basically due to migration of Industrial workers. 

Services to Migrants Client: 

If any migrated client found positive ART counselor provide him all the services i.e. counseling, Pre-ART registration, CD4 testing etc.

Other District:

If client from other district found positive, that client is linked to ART center for pre ART registration CD4 count and if found eligible then on ART, if client is willing to continue the treatment from his own district then he can be transferred and informed to concerned ART.

Other State:

If positive client from other state found positive, the client is linked to ART center for Pre ART registration CD4 count and if found eligible then on ART, if client is willing to continue the treatment from his own state then he can be transferred and informed to concerned ART. Counselors note the permanent address of the client and provide the same to Concerned SACS.

Prevention and Early Detection:

DAPCU– East arrange IEC activity like Full Site Sensitization Programme, Mega Health Camps, Poster, Nukkad Natak etc. with co-ordination of DSACS, Youth Awareness by Nukkad Natak, Session regarding HIV-AIDS in Delhi Police, lectures on HIV-AIDS in schools, I.T.Is, awareness campaigning at Metro Station, Railway Station & I.S.B.T, Condom promotion activities in Industrial Areas & also maintain the line list of discordant couple and ensure their testing every 3 months.

Linking to ART center, Treatment adherence, follow-up of LFU/MIS and PPTCT Services:

We try our level best to ensure linkages. In ART center the patient is counseled for drug adherence, side effects of the ART medicine are explained to the client, family counseling is given to the positive client so that he / she should not face any discrimination.

Follow-up of LFU/MIS:

Collecting line list of Clients from ART center and trace out the same through Outreach workers and TI NGOs and after that share with respective ART centre.



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