Prevention &
Early Detection
- In the migration group, it is difficult to detect early because of mobility. But we can try to prevent and detect early e. g. identifying the migrant’s area in the city; district and state then we can start an intervention.
- We try to contact with community leaders and connect and involve them in the programme.
- Develop the IEC and BCC material in their own languages.
- Establish the facility either in or near to their areas.
- We also try to meet owner of their work places, industries; shads to obtain the permission to organize a programme. Also request them to provide the leaves to migrant workers for taking services.
- We also plan our service schedules as per their availability, holiday etc.
Linking to ART,
Treatment Adherence, Follow-up of MIS & LFU
- Arrange the meeting with president of association of industries, owner of work place for giving permission and leave for taking treatment.
- Setting ARTC’s time schedule according to migrant’s time & availability.
- Prepare IEC,BCC material in their own languages and as per their social aspects.
- In the cases of MIS’ & LFUs we have tried to contact with their state’s sacs and also particular district’s ARTC; where the first visit of MIS was done.
- Sharing a line list of migrant MIS & LFUs among ARTCs.
- Contact with leaders of communities to track migrants, because many time leader has more authentic information about place of migrations.
- Establish on-line system for transfer out patients.
PPTCT services
- Develop the peer educator system, specially for migrant ANCs. Because non-awareness of migrant females about services provide by PHCs, CHCs and other healthcare centers.
- She doesn’t know the name and address of ASHA Workers of their areas.
- She feels loneliness in these types of situations.
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