Monday, 1 July 2013

Vizianagaram's Response to Theme- DAPCUs and F-ICTCs

Role of DAPCUs in locating a suitable health facility to establish F-ICTCs:

As per as mainstreaming is concern the FI-ICTC plays major role for integration of services and sustainability of the activity.  At present we are placing two types of FI-ICTCs in Andhra Pradesh that are  FI-ICTCs in 24 Hrs PHCs  and FI-ICTCs in Private Hospital/Nursing Homes –PPP model.  DAPCU has been given guidelines by APSACS for setting up of FI-ICTC in both models.  We are using the guidelines for locating suitable health facility and to meet necessary requirements for placing FI-ICTC.  

DAPCU is identifying the Health facilities for FI-ICTC which has Lab facility and Human resources to take up testing and counseling and verify the facility whether it can meet our guidelines or not.   The major requirement for setting up FI-ICTC is Human resources and infrastructure.

•Lab Technician (Testing)
•Staff Nurse (Counseling)
•Commitment of District administration(DM & HO) and Facility 

Capacity building of FICTCs:

DAPCU is listing out the Lab Technicians and Staff Nurses and sharing with APSACS for induction training.  APSACS has identified SRL (State Referral Laboratory), Micro Biology Department in Medical College and Psychology Department in Andhra University for conducting Capacity Building on periodical basis. 

DAPCU is also conducting Training programmes at District level for refresher to the FI-ICTC on modules developed by APSACS and providing hand on training during visits to FI-ICTC and deputing stand alone ICTC staff for capacity building at FI-ICTC level when existing FI-ICTC staff are transferred or changed. 

Strengthening linkage b/n FICTC & designated ICTCs:                                      

DAPCU used to involve FI-ICTCs in monthly review meeting along with stand alone ICTCs monthly only and develop linkages between stand alone center and FI-ICTCs.   After allotment of cluster to the Stand alone ICTCs, the responsibility has been given to taking care of linkages, strengthening, reporting and monitoring.  

All facilities (TIs, DICs, LWs, DSRCs and others) have been sensitized about FI-ICTC functions and its services and shared the information for communicating FI-ICTC and all facilities are using maximum services of the FI-ICTCs in the district for referral services. 

Monitoring & Evaluation of F-ICTCs:

The monitoring has been decentralized with stand alone ICTCs and FI-ICTCs can access the services of nearest stand alone ICTC for clarified doubts, getting kits, submitting report and any other coordination works.  

DAPCU monitors the FI-ICTC through visits made by ADM & HO (A&L), DPM and DIS and evaluates the programme in monthly review meeting and sending communications through DM & HO for improving performance of FI-ICTCs. 

DAPCU encourages the staff of FI-ICTCs by providing appreciation certificates and awards on various occasions like World AIDS Day, Independence Day and etc.

Achievements to share:

Total 24x7 PHCs in the district are 69 and all are equipped with F-ICTCs and all are functioning and reporting 100% and PPP model 16 FI-ICTC made MOU with our programme but 10 PPP model FI-ICTCs are functioning and reporting regularly.  We are putting our efforts to reach 100% reporting in PPP model.

There are some challenges in FI-ICTC functioning 

•Vacancies in PHCs 
•Supply whole Blood Testing Kits (for PPP model)
•Transfer of existing staff 
•No contingency for FI-ICTC
•Reporting by PPP model –FICTCs
•Quality in counseling
•Follow up 

APSACS recognized the efforts of DAPCU, Vizianagaram in starting, functioning and reporting of FI-ICTC in all 24X& PHC in the district and awarded us on the eve of World AIDS Day 1 December 2012 at Hyderabad.


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