Monday, 1 July 2013

Banda's Response to Theme- DAPCUs and F-ICTCs

What is the role of DAPCUs in establishing F-ICTCs? How do you help in

Locating suitable health facility to establish F-ICTCs.  
             It is obviously clear without support of SACS DAPCU cannot establish F-ICTCs in the district but being established in the district DAPCU has a responsibility that they observed the district scenario and point out the areas with high prevalence also away from district or sub district health facility. DAPCUs should make a survey of OPDs, ANC Case visits, Deliveries and Data etc. at Health facility which is without ICTCs and F-ICTC. DAPCU also observed about Cold Chain maintain at facility, availability of Consumables from NRHM and sufficient staffs. After finding favorable condition to establish F-ICTC, DAPCUs should co-ordinate with district official (e.g. C.M.O) for establishment of F-ICTC. After getting concern and recommendation from district level the issue should forward to SACS for establishment of F-ICTCs.
Capacity building of the F-ICTC (i. e. training of staff, providing registers/ formats, providing guidance, supervision etc.)
            Before or after establishment of F-ICTC DAPCUs should strengthen the human resource available at health facility. To strengthen human resource providing training and manuals/guidance to nominated L.T.s/S.M./Nurse or any other staff for HIV testing as per standard of SACS/SRL/NACO. DAPCU Field Staff or any one from DAPCU who visiting to F-ICTC should ensure about availability of proper registers/Formats as well as kits and consumables. DAPCU should support/help/provide hands on training to nominated staff at    F-ICTC to deal with a client, visited at F-ICTC for either testing or receive counseling related to HIV, T.B. and STI. DAPCU must ensure about Positive ANC care and support at F-ICTCs and full time availability of consumable used particularly Positive ANC care e.g. safe delivery kits, NVP etc. Staff at F-ICTCs must be trained about above either by SACS or by DAPCU level and all things should be reviewed back to back by DAPCU Level.
Strengthening of linkages between F-ICTC and Designated ICTCs

At stand-alone ICTCs staff appointed by SACS as well as trained also but we discussed about F-ICTCs, Staff is nominated by NRHM. So DAPCU has a responsibility to co-ordinate with working personal for linkage between Stand Alone ICTCs and F-ICTCs. Every F-ICTC tested the client with HIV testing Kit-1, if client found positive, F-ICTCs should refer the client for confirmation at nearest ICTCs. So DAPCU must initiate the easy process and better co-ordination between F-ICTC and nearest Designated ICTC. So that client tested easily for confirmation without any problems.
Monitoring and evaluation of F-ICTCs

DAPCU should visit F-ICTCs regularly to monitor performance of work e.g. testing as per standard, Record keeping at F-ICTCs, coverage and care of total ANCs, Direct Delivery cases as well as T.B. Cases for HIV testing.  DAPCU also monitor safety kit and cold storage at facility and proper and time line reporting of facility. DAPCU should evaluate the work performance of center time to time and ensure about success ratio of facility.
Few achievements from Banda districts in this regard

There are 05 F-ICTCs in the Banda district out of five, Four F-ICTCs are running in 24x7 PHCs and 01 at CHC.  In January 2012 DAPCU succeeded in establishment of 02 New F ICTCs. During his usual visit of DMC Mahuwa and Atrra, Banda DAPCU observed OPDs, ANC Cases visit, Deliveries and Data etc. at health facility which was without ICTCs and F-ICTCs. DAPCU Banda found satisfactory and favorable conditions to establish F-ICTCs in both at CHC Atrra and PHC Mahuwa, facilities which are far from designated ICTCs. DAPCU concern the issue with DTO/DACO, and raised the topic in review meeting at SACS. In this way DAPCU Banda succeeded in establishment of 02 new F-ICTCs in district. Now DAPCU monitoring all F-ICTCs for better access of services e.g. HIV Testing of ANC cases, Direct Delivery Cases, T.B. Cases as well as suspected general OPD clients. 

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