Thursday, 4 July 2013

Central Delhi's Response to Theme- DAPCUs and F-ICTCs

Role of DAPCU in locating a suitable health facility to establish F-ICTCs:

An analysis of client load at the health facilities such that PHCs, CHCs, FRUs, Charitable Hospitals, Private Hospitals, Sub District Hospitals etc. in the districts can be performed by DAPCUs to list out the suitable facilities where ICTCs can be established. Data regarding client load may be gathered by DAPCU with the help of NRHM establishment in the district. Not only the client load but categories of clients should also be considered in the process of finding a suitable health facility. Facilities having comparatively more ANCs, HRGs, Migrants should be given preference.   If it will find feasible economically to open an ICTC in the health facility than a stand- alone ICTC may be established otherwise an F-ICTC may be established in the health facility. 
Role of DAPCU in the capacity building of the F-ICTCs:

Needs for capacity building of F-ICTCs can be assessed by DAPCU staff during supportive supervisory visits of the F-ICTCs and assessments may be shared with the SACS and NACO. DAPCUs can assist the SACS and NACO in arrangement and providing Induction and Refresher trainings to F-ICTC staff. It can also helps in the delivery of logistics to the F-ICTCs. Queries (if, any) of the F-ICTC staff can be answered by DAPCU Staff (if possible), at the time of supervisory visits itself. Necessary corrective actions (if required) may also be taken during the supervisory visits. On Job Training may be facilitated by DAPCU, for the staff of newly established F-ICTC at the designated ICTC with co-ordination of the Nodal/ Medical Officers of the designated ICTC. Programmatic Updates and other necessary information received at DAPCU from different sources may be conveyed to the F-ICTCs.

Role of DAPCU in the strengthening and linkages between F-ICTCs and designated ICTCs:

Linkages between F-ICTC and designated ICTCs in the district can be defined and established by DAPCUs. It can be further strengthened by the process of rapport building between the Officers/ officials of F-ICTC and designated ICTC by including them in regular meetings at district and state level organized by SACS and DAPCUs. 

Role of DAPCU in the Monitoring & Evaluation of F-ICTCs:

Monitoring and Evaluation of F-ICTCs can be done by DAPCU through regular supervisory visits, analysis of monthly reports of F-ICTCs and review of their performances during regular meetings at the state and district levels. Feedbacks should be provided by the DAPCU to the F-ICTCs regularly on their respective performances. Corrective actions (if required) should be taken on time by DAPCUs concern to functioning of the F-ICTCs.

Achievements of our district:
  • Five F-ICTCs have been established since December 2012 in the Districts looked after by our DAPCU. 
  • Required logistics such that Registers, Referral slips etc., are provided to the F-ICTCs by DAPCU-Central.
  • All established F-ICTCs are continuously being monitored and supervised by DAPCU Team Members through supervisory visits. Staffs of F-ICTCs are oriented regarding maintenance and updation of registers and other documentations during the supervisory visits. 
  • Monthly reports of all established F-ICTCs in the district are being submitted in DAPCU-Central Delhi regularly.
  • Staffs from F-ICTCs are being invited in the regular review meetings at State and District Levels. They also regularly participating in the aforesaid meetings.
  • Programmatic updates are being conveyed to the F-ICTCs regularly by DAPCU-Central.
  • Data of Client Loads in the different health facilities has been gathered, compiled and submitted to the DSACS by DAPCU-Central regarding find out the possibility for establishment of new F-ICTCs in the district.

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