Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Koraput Response to coordination among DAPCUs

YES ! Its very important to establish and develop the co-ordination and co-operation among DAPCUS in the state.

There are 7 nos.of DAPCUs in Orissa who are highly responsible for overall activities related to HIV/AIDS in the district. There is a strong inter-coordination among these DAPCU’s. The major coordination areas are as follows like:-

A. Data sharing.
Relating to data sharing, if there is a good co-ordination among DAPCUs then we can  easily share our achievements and work  strategies with other DAPCUs which make others to do better and follow the right direction to achieve our  goal i.e Prevention and control the HIV epidemic in the District.Datas like, 

  • Target Vs Achievement of all SDPS in the District.:-Sharing the district achievements to other DAPCUs.
  • LFU/MIS case. :- If the PLHIVs are  from other district, it will help to trace the case by the help of other district staffs  and reentering them on ART .
  • Social Benefit schemes & providing TA to PLHIVs:-In case of providing SBPs to PLHIVs, it is very essential to take the help of others ,b’ coz the district work plans  are different from  one to another. if one district workout one kind of SBP ,then it will be a example to other district’s  authority to follow the same for approving the scheme for PLHIVs
  • Sharing District Action Plans:-If there is a good co-ordination ,it will  help to make success of design and work out own district plans.
  • This co-ordination helps to solve the stock out condition in the districts.
  • It helps to create innovative Intervention ideas to develop the district mission.
  • It helps in case of identifying the HRGs  in the district by the NGO.

B. Sharing the knowledge and experience of successful works.

C. Provide  guidance to the newcomer.And help him/her to make every work/programme under NACP ,successful.

The  role of the SACS in enhancing this co-ordination:-

SACS has a great role in enhancing this coordination. Because some time it is not possible to communicate  messages to all and some times there is  mis-communication. So SACS has to build the co-ordination between DAPCUs to share the detail programme with one another and work as a group to achieve the state goal.

Share a few examples in which you have taken the support of other DAPCUs and how it has helped you. 
1-Incase of preparing District Action Plans.
2-Conducting DAPCC with DCC meeting
3-Conducting different innovative programme with line departments.
4- To involving the PLHIV in different Social Beneficiary plans.
5-In case of stock out of Kits and other consumables

Few examples of the results achieved by inter DAPCU coordination. :-

The above things are carried out after due sharing the knowledge and experience relating the programmes  with each other. 

Finally, Its very important to have a good relation and co-ordination with each other among DAPCUs.

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