Thursday, 23 May 2013

Kamrup's Response to Theme - Supportive Superivision

If ‘vision’ implies seeing, the word ‘supervision’ can be read as over-seeing, looking over someone’s shoulder to check on them; and also ‘super’ in the sense of outstanding or special, helping someone to extend their professional skills and understanding.
How do you plan and implement your visits for

supportive supervision?
Planning- The plan for supportive supervision visits are done based on the reports of the previous months. The tour plan is prepared by 30th or 31st of every month in which the centres of low performance are given importance.

Implementation- The visits are done according to the plan or sometimes the visits have to be made(outside of the tour plan) if the staff of the various facilities face certain issues. During the visits all the documents are checked. In ICTCs a counseling session is observed, in the laboratory the documents are checked, the maintenance of cold storage of test kits are checked. If there are any important issues then discussion is done with the Incharge of the Hospital. In the TIs the documents , the referral with the ICTCs are checked. The TI staff are directed to utilize the facility of the Mobile ICTC van so that the gap between referral and actual visit of HRGs to ICTCs become less. In the ART centre it is checked whether all the HIV positives are registered or not.

What should DAPCUs keep in mind while taking supervision?
The following points should be kept in mind while taking supervision
  1. DAPCU does supportive supervision and not the authority to take any official decisions.
  2. During supervision if any problems are seen to be faced by the peripheral staff then the concerned division of ASACS are informed.
  3. The Joint Director of Health Services (K) is informed if some issues has to be tackled at the district level.
List a few Dos and Donts
  1. To handhold the peripheral staff whenever
  2. To have a good rapport with all the peripheral staff so that if any problem arises in the field level the staff do not hesitate to inform DAPCU.
  3. All information regarding the  visits must be shared with ASACS
  1. DAPCU is not the authority to take major decisions. Only facilitation can be done with ASACS
  2. The performance of the staff of one centre should not be discussed with the staff of another staff. All discussions to be made during the review meetings.

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