Tuesday, 28 May 2013

DAPCU KODAGU Response for Supportive Supervision

1.  Supervision is a key role of DAPCUs.

Supervision is recognized as critical part of human resource management for the delivery of quality health care services. It is especially important for HIV and AIDS related health services. Supervision and mentoring are complementary activities, that are both necessary to build a continuum of care and support

Supervision is a process that promotes quality at all levels of the health system by strengthening relationships within the system, focusing on the identification and resolution of problems, optimizing the allocation of resources, promoting high standards, team work and better two-way communication.

Supervision as an intervention deserves special attention, it can improve performance and it could be a mechanism for providing professional development, improving health workers' job satisfaction, and increasing motivation

2. How do you plan and implement your visits for supportive supervision?

The HIV and AIDS health service areas will be covered with all services comes under NACO & KSAPS. That is , ICTC,PPTCT, ART, STI, Blood Safety, IEC , TB-HIV, Recording & Reporting.  

Planning  & Implementation
  • On priority basis the facilities visits are planned to monitor the following aspects.
  • Based on the performance of the Facility, Supervision visits are done.
  • During the visit all the aspects are supervised, that is Counselling, Treatment, Follow-up, Cross referral etc.
  • Monthly Reports are cross verified with the Registers
  • The gaps are identified during the visit and the same has to be corrected
  • Before visit a checklist of supervision is prepared

  • On the whole programme is monitored according to the NACO Guideline

3. What should DAPCUs keep in mind while undertaking supervision? 

  • In supervision we should strengthen & improve the skills & knowledge of the staff for   effective implementation of the programme, where the supervision should not make the staff demotivated.

4. Do’s in Supervision:

  •   Monitoring of the Programme according to the guideline
  •   Make the staff understand the gap and to take corrective action for the same
  •   Improve the Skill and Knowledge of the staff for effective implementation of the programme
  •   Proper documentation of the work done should be supervised
  •   Activity at the facility should be client oriented
  •   Feedback of the visit to the staff & Officers for further improvement.

5. Don’ts in Supervision:

  • Should not be demotivate
  • Should not discourage the staff

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