Wednesday 14 November 2012

Central Delhi DAPCU on National Voluntary Blood Donation Day

Significance of Voluntary Blood Donation (VBD):-

Safe blood transfusion is essential for saving life in critical conditions and to prevent serious illness in patient and also those who are suffering from violence, injury, accidents, delivery etc. Voluntary Blood Donors are considered as safest source of blood as they have low prevalence of Transfusion Transmissible Infections (TTIs) like HIV, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Malaria, Syphilis etc. On the other hand replacement blood donors can carry higher prevalence of TTIs.

According to an estimate India has an annual requirement of 8 million units of blood but able to collect only 5.6 million units of which 3 million units (56%) are from VBD. Rest 44% is still from unsafe sources like Professional/ Replacement/ Family Blood Donors.

DAPCUs can promote VBD by following measures:-

  1. Encourage employees working in offices of institutions situated in their respective areas to participate in VBD. (i.e Central, State and Local Bodies Government Offices etc.)
  2. Organizing Special VBD camps in Colleges with the help of Red Ribbon Club (RRC).
  3. A district blood donor group can be formulated by DAPCUs in their respective district comprising of volunteer blood donor residing in the district. This group can assist SACS’ and DAPCUs to promote, organize and strengthening VBD activities in the District. Member of this group can be trained by SACS/ DAPCUs to become good motivators. Unawareness, Ignorance, fear and misconceptions of General Public regarding VBD can be eradicated by these trained motivators. They can also be provided certificates of Registered Volunteer Blood Donor.

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