Tuesday, 26 July 2016

DAPCU Khordha (Odisha) Response to the Theme : DAPCU Led Single Window Model

Describe efforts taken or Planned by DAPCU to increase the number of people availing Social  Benefit Schemes in your district in FY 2016-17.

DAPCU Led Single Window Model has been one of the best way to link PLHA (People Living with HIV/AIDS) with various government schemes. Khordha DAPCU of Odisha has seen lot of changes in pre and post scenario of DLSWM (DAPCU Led Single Window Model). Although we had some similar activities prior to the Programme but those were very few and limited and there was not such platform for that. But after the Programme was implemented in our District we stand in such a place where the PLHA feels that, at least somebody is there who can hear us and can help us- “This is a statement of a PLHA, a divorcee came to us with her ill health condition asking for medical assistance” However, the concept of help desk has been informed through various interventions like meeting, consultation with PLHA and activities by the concerned Help desks. The   intensity for the statement is that, the PLHA who earlier had no support from others in this matter can directly access Help Desk. Now the Help Desk and especially DAPCU is acting as the link between PLHA and Social Welfare Schemes. It is only one year of establishing the Programme of DAPCU Led Single Window Model.

The Programme has been implemented in the district since 2015 as an effort we have established 24 Help Desks in different NACP facilities. The Focal persons has been trained two times on the Programme and the departments are also been tuned up with the Programme. So this became very helpful to us to place interest of the PLHA under various schemes before the concerned Dept. It is too early to say that all interests are been fulfilled through the model as there are so many constrains which are not avoidable. But DAPCU have been in the process to accelerate the movement.
The differences are like we have received 42 applications directly during pre DLSWM and after that DAPCU received 341 applications under the DAPCU Led Single Window model and 196 no of applications are already disbursed by the departments.

Planning and activities being conducted by DAPCU under DLSWM.
  • Meeting with all Block level officials in the PR (Panchayati Raj) Department in the DRDA in next month
  • Discussion on the SPS (Social Protection Schemes) issues in the all DAPCC meetings (ongoing)
  • Planned for PLHA meet at two blocks of Khordha District.
  • One PLHA meet has already been conducted at Banapur Block in the meeting the 11 applications received and responded.
  • Demand generation camp at Two Blocks (Banapur and Balugaon) for availing of SPS (Planned)
  • Intervention at ART centre ensuring that updating of SPS profile of all PLHA that whether they are availing any   schemes or not if not than ensuring that they are informed about various SPS under Help Desk, ART centre (on going)
  • Review of SPS in all Monthly coordination meetings and sharing the process undertaken by DAPCU and present status. 
  • Every month visits are being conducted to the concerned departments to ensure release / process of pending cases and applications submitted. (on going)
  • Efforts to reduce the gap between sanction and availing of MBPY (Madhu Babu Pension Yojana) - (321 cases sanctioned out of 1122) on going

Important out comes (qualitative)
  • The Collector and DM are very much convinced and always show his deep interest and kind attention to sanction / disburse any request of PLHA as soon as possible.
  • None of the request of PLHA is laying pending with the Collector & DM office.
  • DSWO (District Social Welfare Officer), W& CD (Women and Child Development) department and Block level officers are recognizing the request and demand of the PLHA which is submitted through Help desk, DAPCU.

From left: Officials from Child Protection officer, W & CD, DNO, CDMO, PO main streaming Unit and JD (IEC) from OSACS during Inter department training on SPS.Add caption


Unknown said...

I am also a part of the dapcu khurda as a ictc counsellor. Dapcu Khurda is really doing excellent job.The team Dapcu khurda headed by a very efficient DPM is very supportive and particular about their work.I really feel proud of being a part of Dapcu Khurda

Unknown said...

I am also a part of the dapcu khurda as a ictc counsellor. Dapcu Khurda is really doing excellent job.The team Dapcu khurda headed by a very efficient DPM is very supportive and particular about their work.I really feel proud of being a part of Dapcu Khurda