Tuesday, 26 July 2016

DAPCU Ahmednagar (Maharashtra) Response to the Theme : DAPCU Led Single Window Model

Describe efforts taken or Planned by DAPCU to increase the number of people availing Social  Benefit Schemes in your district in FY 2016-17.

DAPCU Ahmednagar has taken several steps to implement the single window model for improving access to social benefit schemes. Help Desks have been started at all NACP facilities to support PLHIVs through the application process. Staff at facility level and TI NGOs have been sensitized on the single window model and the role of Help Desks.

During monthly meetings, DAPCU reviews the performance of the Help Desks and discusses ways to improve coordination and increase the number of beneficiaries availing the schemes.

DAPCU makes follow-ups with concerned departments to track the status of submitted applications and speed up the approval process. Problems faced by beneficiaries in availing the schemes are raised during DAPCC meetings and the District Collector gives instruction to the concerned officer for necessary actions.

DAPCU is advocating with the district administration for reducing the number of documents required to be submitted by the beneficiary and increasing the income limit for eligibility.

Since the roll out of DLSWM, 2741 applications were received through the Help Desks, of which 1502 received scheme benefits.

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