Monday, 22 August 2016

DAPCU Angul (Orissa) Response to the Theme : Views on DAPCU's role in Non-DAPCU Districts

In Odisha there are 7 high Prevalence (i.e. ‘A’ & ‘B’ category) districts in which DAPCU was established in 2008-09, (out of 30 districts.)
  • Supervision & monitoring is the essential part for achieving the goals & objectives of NACP-IV. But in Non-DAPCU Districts  , it is very difficult to coordinate the HIV activities
  • OSACS allotted one Non-DAPCU District each to the DAPCU districts to manage / coordinate HIV activities in Non-DAPCU District. Dhenkanal district was allotted to DAPCU, Angul.
  •   It is possible to manage & coordinate NACP activities in Non DAPCU District with the support of DAPCU staff
DAPCU district can Support the non-DAPCU districts to manage/ coordinate HIV activities on the following aspects.

Role of DAPCU
Monthly HIV – TB meeting
DAPCU district can help to facilitate conduct monthly HIV – TB meeting in the non DAPCU district.
§     With the effort of DAPCU, Angul the Monthly HIV – TB meeting of Dhenkanal District is being organized every month. DAPCU Angul coordinates with the district health administration and concerned district DACO/DTO and all NACP facilities staff. Discussing on monthly reports, issues faced. Accordingly, decisions are taken by the higher officials.
§  DPM DAPCU is facilitating the preparation of meeting minutes.
DAPCU district staff may Supervise the work of ICTC/ DSRC/ Blood Bank & TI work
§  During the monitoring and supervision visit to ICTC/ DSRC/ Blood Bank & TI, the DAPCU Staff will cross check the registers/ referral & linkage/ data validation etc & giving suggestions to the staff to improve the quality. After DAPCU Angul supervision the ICTC Dhenkanal Staff are maintaining the details of outreach workers / PLHIV Line list/ HIV-TB Line list data.
§     After filed visits referral and linkages strengthened in the district.
Supply Chain Management
DAPCU Staff Should facilitate in Supply Chain Management to the Non-DAPCU Districts
§  DAPCU Angul Providing ART Medicine / STI Kits to the Dhenkanal (Non DAPCU District) on a regular basis.
§      DAPCU also manage the stock out of ICTC Consumables by coordinating among all ICTCs of Dhenkanal District.
Capacity Building of TI Staff
DAPCU Should facilitate the Capacity Building of TI Staff.
DPM DAPCU providing hand holding training to TI Projects of Dhenkanal (Non DAPCU District) with PO, TSU.
Social Benefit Scheme
Necessary Steps should be taken by DAPCU District to providing the Social Benefit Schemes to PLHIVs/ MARs/ CABAs
§  DAPCU Angul shares all the documents to Dhenkanal District HIV/AIDS Facilities Staff for implementation of Bus Pass to PLHIV.
§   DAPCU Angul facilitated the Linkage of orphan CHLIV of Dhenkanal District with Swadhar home (Orphan Home) by coordinating with concerned ICTC, District Child Protection Office & District Health Administration of Dhenkanal District.
Red Ribbon Club
DAPCU Should co-ordinate the RRC (Red Ribbon Club) for sensitization Programme / training/ IEC Campaign etc.
DAPCU Angul Organised Sensitization workshop for the Peer Educators/ Programme Officers of RRCs of Dhenkanal Non DAPCU District).  Total 89 participants attended the Programme.
Financial Management
DAPCU Should co-ordinate for submission of SOE & UCs in time.
§     DAPCU Staff of Angul District co-ordinate with the HIV/AIDS facilities and District Health Administration for submission of SOE/UC to OSACS in time.
§  Supervision/coordination/Liasioning with different facilities/departments of non-DAPCU District done from DAPCU Travel Expenses.

ADMO(PH) , Dhenkanal/DTO,  Dhenkanal & DPM DAPCU, Angul Conducting the HIV-TB Monthly meeting of Dhenkanal District (Non-DAPCU District)

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