Role of DAPCU in Locating a suitable health facility to establish F-ICTCs
o DAPCU play an important role in establishing F-ICTC in a District. DAPCU has to find out the nursing home/hospital, who have more than 50 deliveries and 50 HIV tests.
Capacity building of the F-ICTC (i. e. training of staff, providing registers/ formats, providing guidance, supervision etc.)
o We give F-ICTC details to SACS,they will arrange training facility to F-ICTC. Then in District level, DAPCU will intimate all F-ICTC and arrange training to staff nurses and LTs. In training we provide register and report format to the F-ICTC.
Strengthening of linkages between F-ICTC and Designated ICTCs
We link all F-ICTCs to stand alone ICTC and given the responsibity to collect reports and to follow up of positive case.In F-ICTC they do 1st test and for 2nd and 3rd test, they refer the client to stand alone ICTC.When the case linked to ICTC,the whole responsibily is lies with ICTC.DAPCU can review the case with ICTC.
Monitoring and evaluation of F-ICTCs
Stand alone ICTC will monitor F-ICTC programme at their end and enter SIMs report also.In District level we review LTs of F-ICTCs in LTs monthly meeting.DAPCU will monitor the programme when visit the centre.And review the programme with MO,Counsellor and LTs
Share a few achievements from your districts in this regard
It will be easy to cover ANCs and more TB patients through F-ICTCs.We have achived 100% ANC coverage as per NRHM data.And few PHCs are linked to F-ICTC and do counseling and testing at PHC and give report to F-ICTCs.
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