Supervision is a constant motivation or handling to enhance the performance of reporting units such as TI-NGOs, CCC, ART Centre, ICTCs, Blood Bank, STI Clinics etc.
2. Plans and Implement of our visits for Supportive Supervision following points are need
- Identify the gaps
- Prepare a Checklist
- Inform the concern reporting units
- Try to solve the problems
- Getting Feedback
- Check the Work Plan.
- Two ways of Communication
3. Some of the things before undertaking Supervision, DAPCUs keep in mind are given below:-
- Receive reports from all the HIV/AIDS facilities in Imphal West District.
- Follow up instructions of SACS/NACO for strengthening District Level Programmes.
- Provide technical support to district level organisations/departments to integrate HIV in their functions.
- Conduct District level IEC campaign.
- Report about non-availability of supplies (HIV test kits, reagents, lab consumables, condoms, drugs, IEC materials etc) through field visits and review of reports.
- Ensure regular monthly review meetings for TB- HIV and for HIV-STI linkages.
- Based on the field visits identify gaps/needs in the capacities of the various facility personnel and communication to SACS.
- Through field visits and reports from the service delivery, identify the gaps and needs.
4. List a Few Dos and Do Not s.
DOs :
It is Team Work so everybody should share knowledge and 2 ways of Communication.
Donts :
Every report should not send without signed by DACO.
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