Thursday, 1 June 2017

DAPCU Banda (Uttar Pradesh) Response to the Theme : DAPCU's role in addressing stigma and discrimination and mobilizing support for high risk groups and people living with HIV

DAPCU Banda organized a sensitization camp to address the issue of stigma and discrimination experienced by people living with HIV. Participants included Gram Panchayat Head, Block Development Officer, Village Development Officer, Anganwadi Worker and ASHA Worker. DAPCU DPM and DIS sensitized the audience on HIV transmission, HIV counselling and testing services, Anti Retro Viral treatment, stigma, discrimination and rights of people living with HIV to access health services and government social benefit schemes. The session also focused on how various levels of government can support, facilitate and improve access to service facilities, legal aid and social benefit schemes for people living with HIV.

Recently, DAPCU Banda resolved the case of an HIV positive person belonging to the high-risk group who was abused by his family members. When the matter was reported, DAPCU worked closely with the Targeted Intervention (TI) NGO, crisis response committee and an advocate to resolve the issue. The family was counselled and sensitized on the rights of people living with HIV.

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