Thursday 9 January 2014

DAPCU East Godavari DPM's Experience of First International Conference on HIV Sensitive Social Protection

An Experience of

First International Conference on HIV Sensitive Social Protection- Delhi

The first international conference has proved that, DAC is much concerned to mitigate the impact of HIV and AIDS on affected individuals and families through all possible sources involving the line departments. This conference had become platform for government and non-government agencies to discuss and share experiences to achieve the desired goals.

Following topics were discussed:

Day 1:

Session 1: Fundamentals of Social Protection and its Role in vulnerability reduction and AIDS impact.
Session 2: Roles, Approaches, Models and Learning: Exhibition:
Session 3: Discussion with Policy Makers, Program planners, and Community members from HRG and PLHIV on Availability, Accessibility and Responsiveness.

Day 2:

Session 4: Measuring Impact
Session 5: Inputs by Technical Expert: Reaching marginalized groups –implications for policies and programmes.

Group discussions:

Group 1: Scope of Collaboration between countries –Mainstreaming Social Protection.
Group 2: Rolling out at State & District Level guidelines and road map.

The topics covered under the two days’ workshop were very interesting and thought provoking.

During the group discussions the following issues were identified as part of two days sharing and discussions on Social Entitlements.

  • Resource person’s support is necessary in all the districts to promote access to social protection schemes to the target groups.
  • Role of SACS should also be transparent and supportive.
  • Providing social protection to the PLHIV and HRG should be included as part of training modules of all line departments
  • Confidentiality should be maintained by all departments while dealing with PLHIV and HRG.
  • A perfect data base system need to be initiated for mapping, sensitization, follow-up and documentation.
These are only some of the key points discussed during these two day work shop.  My heartfelt gratitude to one and all,  NTSU Team, SACS, DAC and UNDP for gifting me such a memorable opportunity to learn valuable inputs from different professionals and friends of different districts on one platform.

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