Saturday 5 October 2013

DAPCU Banda Response: DAPCU & Stigma & Discrimination.

DAPCU's Role in Preventing Stigma & Discrimination:

DAPCU’s main roles and responsibility in the district is to aware/sensitize community against stigma and discrimination. DAPCU coordinate with people/youth/govt. department/local administration/authority for preventing stigma & discrimination in the district. DAPCU should support PLHA who suffer with stigma and discrimination issues. DAPCU link PLHA with ART for treatment, care and support as well as for social benefit scheme.  DAPCU organized awareness meeting at key villages and HRGs, sit with stakeholder e.g. Doctor, ASHAs, ANMs, Aganwadi, Teacher who could aware the community against stigma and discrimination.

Access to services- In the initial stage DAPCU Provide Health Services to PLHIV e.g. counseling, treatment to PLHA, family counseling, link with ART to PLHA.
Health care settings- Outreach by counselor PLHA home visit of ICTC counselor, ASHA, Aganwadi should aware villagers regarding stigma and discrimination trough IEC distribution.
District administration and it departments – DAPCU Coordination with local authority/administration as well as inter sartorial department in the district for mobilizing community against stigma and discrimination.
Community settings- DAPCU mobilize community through HIV awareness program/campaign, meeting with stakeholder at HRGs sites through IEC program.

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