Initiatives on HIV Screening, counseling of Jail Inmates & Other Prisoners by DAPCU, North Tripura
is very much urgency of the hour to screen HIV/AIDS among Jail inmates,
Juveniles in correctional homes & other prisoners, who have been involved
in criminal activity & as a consequence going through confinement. They are
also vulnerable & require counseling & a lesson of consciousness among
them regarding HIV/AIDS, STD & other related diseases. Prisoners are at special risk for
infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) because of overcrowded
prisons, unprotected sex, and sexual assault, the occurrence of sexual practices
that are risky to health, unsafe injecting practices, and inadequate HIV
prevention, care, and support services.
Globally, many studies on human immunodeficiency
virus/acquired immunodeficiency disease syndrome (HIV/AIDS) have been
undertaken by various government and non-governmental organizations among the
general public. There are certain high-risk groups in well-defined but
restricted settings who are usually left out from the interventions they
deserve especially in developing countries. Inmates of prisons are an example of
this left out of the population. Prisoners worldwide have a significantly higher
prevalence of HIV than in the community. Prisoners are at special risk for
HIV infection because of overcrowded prisons, unprotected sex and sexual
assault, the occurrence of sexual practices that are risky to health, unsafe
injecting practices, and inadequate HIV prevention, care, and support services.
Considering & observing the above situation, DAPCU, North
Tripura has already started the programs & planned to conduct &
organize the Campaign in all District Jails since April 2018 & yet well the practice is going on. DAPCU also took the same initiative as per the direction
from NACO & through collaborating with TSACS.
The intervention of DAPCU, North Tripura:- In order to organize
the camp at first DPM & DIS, DAPCU met with all Jail authorities in North & Unakoti District of Tripura &
also communicated through the letter. At dist.level, Sub Divisional Magistrate (SDM)
is the superintendent of Jail & his concern is necessary to deal with the
system & we communicated with SDM & at next we also met with Deputy
Jailer. We, fixed date & consequently through the collaboration of TSACS
& AD-ICTC. We mobilized Mobile ICTC VAN from SACS on the specific date
& venue, that it may also be conducive for inmates & jail authority
At first, we did a counseling
session with all jail inmates regarding awareness of
HIV/AIDS, Significance of HIV/AIDS screening, etc.As, The knowledge about HIV/AIDS among inmates was high, but
misconceptions about HIV/AIDS are still rife among the prisoners and
educational programs would be required to correct this. Most of the inmates
still display negative attitudes that are likely to encourage stigmatization
and discrimination against the PLWHA. This will militate against voluntary
counseling and testing as fear of isolation will prevent individuals from being
tested. So, DAPCU, North Tripura intervene in this context to remove misconception
& to get them tested. At last, everyone got tested after our counseling
session & few staffs of jail screened them.
Then, one by one came for screening following all the formal procedure ( Such as filling consent form, etc) & test was done.
Handed over the reports to the jail
authority & two known reactive
found. Consequently, positives did verify & found already existed. However,
we again counsel them for medical adherence & to be in touch with a regular
medical check-up.
Tripura conducted the campaign as following dates:-
Ø 7th
April 2018:- Dharmanagar Sub Jail- 61
Ø 7th
May 2018:- Kailashahar Dist.Jail-54 Screened.
Ø 6th
September 2018:- Kanchanpur Sub Jail:-24 Screened & 1 Known Positive.
Ø 30th
January 2019:-Dharmanagar Sub Jail:-58 screened & 1 known Positive found.
from that, ICTC staffs reach in Jail on
need to screen inmates & whoever found Positive, linkage with FI-ART/ART for
medical adherence.
Here, this is
very much necessary to mention the whole procedure has been achieved through the integrated effort of DAPCU. In each sphere, DAPCU staffs have managed. Such as,
DPM & DIS communicated to organize & on the spot facilitated to do.
M&E reported & helped to maintain records. Dist. Accountant helped to
organize the said programs. Here, the team of M-ICTC Van were involved &
AD-ICTC lead. Here, TI, N-TI, AHANA, respective ICTC’s also helped a lot. Obviously, the Authority of
Jails & SDM did co-operate with us to do so.
All HIV-positive
inmates have special needs, ART Guidelines for HIV-infected Adults and
Adolescents, released by NACO in May 2018, strongly recommend establishing
effective linkages between ART and harm-reduction programs. It also states
that ART should be given as part of a comprehensive package of prevention
(including harm reduction), care and support and treatment. So, in this year
also DAPCU will drive for the same practice in September 2019 to do the programs across all jails at Dist.
There are 2 Sub-jail at North Tripura & One Dist Jail at
kailashahar, Unakoti. DAPCU has covered
all the jails & we have also planned to involve One Juvenile Home in North
Tripura under Child Welfare Committee. We may also communicate with the Inspector
of Jail Prisons at Agartala.
Dharmanagar SUB JAIL, North Tripura on 7th April 2018 during the campaign
Dharmanagar SUB JAIL, North Tripura on 7th April 2018 during the campaign
Awareness camp cum HIV Screening at Sub
District Jail Dharmanagar & Dist Jail,Kailashahar among on trial/convicted Prisoner on 30th
January 2019.
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