Monday, 27 March 2017

DAPCU Surat (Gujarat) Response to the Theme : Strategies for reducing Pre - ART LFUs at district

DAPCU Surat has been successful in reducing the number of pre-ART LFU cases by strengthening the tracking system through improved coordination among facilities, regular monitoring, supportive supervision and monthly review meetings. All patients registered for pre-ART undergo a CD4 test every six months. The ART centre Lab Technician maintains a ‘’due list’’ of patients who are due for CD4 testing. This list is prepared from the CD4 laboratory register. If any patient does not visit the ART centre to undergo CD4 test within one week of their due date, they are followed up by phone call to ensure CD4 test is done on the next visit. ICTC centre staff also motivate and support clients during post-test counseling session for ART registration.

Last Five Years Pre - ART LFU cases status of Surat District.
*As per ART Centers data source

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