This note was developed by Kolasib during a capacity building session on documenting a case study
ICTC Testing among General client
is quite low in Kolasib District. The reason for low testing may be varied, but
the DAPCU felt that the major reason can be due to the lack of awareness among
the general population. When we contacted the NRHM counterpart for conducting ICTC
Demand Generation Campaign they did not have fund for the campaign (NRHM in
Kolasib District never done a health campaign during last year as they did not
have fund for the same) moreover when contacted the Mizoram SACS they could not
provide fund for the same. In addition to this IEC material is limited for
distributing the whole population within the district. In order to solve the
problem, DAPCU put up the issue during DAPCC meeting held on 11th
October 2011.
The issue was discussed at the
mentioned DAPCC meeting. The meeting resolved that
- Leaflet would be developed and designed by DAPCU using A4 Paper and the budget estimate to be prepared. The financial requirements would be met in collaboration with various line-departments. The IEC materials developed will be distributed to every household residing at far flung villages through Volunteers of Line department
- One (1) Representative from each village within the District to be selected who will be trained on HIV/AIDS basic information. The trained Village representative will then impart HIV/AIDS information during every Gram Sabha conducted in their respective villages
Leaflet developed & designed by DAPCU using A4
paper contributed by 21 line departments. These leaflets (approx. 10000 copies)
were distributed to far flung villages during socio-economic census. These
leaflets were also distributed during the 66th
YMA (largest Youth Group NGO in Mizoram) General Conference hosted by Kolasib
during 25th -27th October 2011 this conference.
Due to unavailability of fund
training couldn’t be organized. However Booklet developed by DAPCU regd.
information on HIV&AIDS and ANC were submitted to the DC. This booklet will
be distributed to the representatives of each village and will impart during
Gram Sabha conducted in their villages.
We believe that considering
limited resources it was an achievement that the district administration
supported the HIV activities in this manner. While there was no significant
impact on the testing among the general population we believe that this effort
was supported well by the district administration and it goes on to show that
there is a commitment for HIV in the district. We will now examine in depth probable reasons for low testing and develop new
strategies to impact service uptake in the district. We are confident of the
support and guidance of the administration.
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