Monday, 30 April 2012

Bolangir DAPCU's Response to- Familiarizing new District Collectors to the HIV programme in the district

This post is in response to the April theme

Presentation on the following topics is always made when a new District Collector joins in. To appraise the same to the DC we opt for appointment with him or  use DAPCC/DCC meeting (if it is to be held within few days)
1.       Brief introduction of NACP-I,  II,  III.
2.       The objectives and strategy of NACP in various phases.
3.       How it came in top to down approach from National Level to de-centralized / District level.
4.       Organogram of NACP-III (Staff structure).
5.       Strategy for district planning including structure of district level health administration.
6.       Role of DAPCU.
7.       Convergence with NRHM like District level, Block level and in Village level.
8.       Inter Sectoral convergence with line departments for mainstreaming.
9.       Epidemiological status on HIV/AIDS of World, India, State and District.
10.   Block wise Epidemiological status of the district.
11.   Functional Status of Service delivery units such as ICTC, Blood Bank, LWS, TIP etc.
12.   Linkage system between various service delivery units.
13.   Strategy, Goals & Objectives of Targeted Intervention Project and their operational area.
14.   Provision of Care, Support and Treatment system to PLHIVs.
15.   Benefit schemes available in district and beneficiaries under various schemes.
16.   Challenges ahead and support needed from dist. Administration.

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