Monday, 18 September 2017

DAPCU Dimapur (Nagaland) Response to the Theme : Data Quality

DAPCU Dimapur (Nagaland) conducts monthly review meeting of all the NACP facilities on 3rd of every month where all the reports are brought by the concern staffs of NACP facilities to review and submit the reports. DAPCU team ensures that all the facilities submit the monthly report in time before entering the data’s in SIMS. During the meeting, preceding months analysis are highlighted where DAPCU team highlights the gaps and achievement of the NACP facilities and in which areas focus should be made to achieve the targets.

During the meeting the NACP facilities submits their hard and soft copy of reports, the DAPCU team cross checks the for reporting errors.

The ICTCs do not enter the data online in SIMS due to non availability of internet facilities/data card in their respective center's and for which the facilities submits the soft copy to DAPCU. DAPCU teams make sure that all data are being captured and entered in soft copy and after proper cross checking the DAPCU team enters and upload the data in SIMS and then forwards it to SACS.

DAPCU staff have also developed the SIMS information details in Excel format where the team enters all the details of hard copies submitted by the facilities where it has become easier for DAPCU to extract the data and records of all the ICTCs and through that format DAPCU does the analysis and highlights to the facilities during the month review meeting and also during the DAPCU review meetings.

SIMS Compilation sheet with all ICTCs

Many a times the DAPCU team has observed while cross-checking and reporting the discrepancies in referral and linkages from TIs to ICTCs in regard to HRGs testing the data reported by the facilities does not tally with the TI Reports. So inorder to have quality, accurate and standard reporting from all the facilities, DAPCU have developed another format in excel sheet to validate Targeted Intervention (TI) to ICTCs referral.
DAPCU developed format to validate TI to ICTC referrals.
The above format have been sent to all the 11 (eleven) TI NGOs in Dimapur district where the TI NGOs reports every month about the HRGs being tested in different facilities. Through that format DAPCU teams can easily identify the referral of TI HRGs tested in different ICTCs and can find out how many HRGs were tested in ICTCs and the same report is being cross checked with the ICTCs report while submitting their monthly report. The same format is being used by DAPCU while going for supervisory visit to ICTCs and TI NGOs in order to cross check with their reports and records.

Another format developed by DAPCU teams is the TI to ICTC comparison mainly to track the HIV positive detected from the TI NGOs. Through this format DAPCU can identify the numbers of HIV positive detected in TI NGOs.

Through all these formats and records maintained by DAPCU, the team can easily identify the discrepancies with the concern facilities and rectify the errors and also helps DAPCU to extract the data as and when required for information and this has also reduced the data discrepancies to a large extent in our district which is consider as the highest HIV positive detection in our state Nagaland.

DAPCU Ernakulam (Kerala) Response to the Theme : Data Quality


In Ernakulam, all facilities are reporting in SIMS by 2nd working day of the month. On 3rd working day DAPCU verifies the reports submitted by the facilities and if any data mismatch is identified the report is sent back to the concerned facility informing them to clarify.

 On 4th Working day DAPCU conducts coordination meeting with HIV facilities and cross verifies referrals and linkage against SIMS reports submitted. Mismatch identified in report will be discussed in the meeting. Example: Cross verifying ICTC testing of TI projects with referral slip of ICTC and TI’s to ensure accuracy SIMS report. If any staff turnover reported by facilities DAPCU will arrange SIMS training without any time delay. DAPCU ensures 100% reporting from FICTC although frequent staff turnover is common at the FICTC level. During supportive supervisory visit DAPCU staff giving training to in charge staff.

DAPCU, Ernakulam has developed a district template for ICTC’s to verify linkage and referrals. Any facility not reporting in SIMS on or before 2nd working day, DAPCU will inform the DACO and concerned divisions at KSACS.

DAPCU submits facility wise SIMS reporting status to DMO (H), every month. DACO presents the report at DMO conference and instructs the medical officers to ensure timely reporting from their centre.
DAPCU Organizing Refreshment Training on SIMS

Friday, 15 September 2017

DAPCU Yavatmal (Maharashtra) Response to the Theme : Data Quality

In the Yavatmal district, every month review meeting is conducted with all HIV facilities such as (ICTC, ART, NGO, SRL, BLOOD BANK Etc..). In review meeting, first will look in to the reporting status in SIMS whether all facilities have submitted reports with in the time period or not. During the meeting M&E officer will review the reports submitted by the facilities, also in the review meeting MRD data and Line list data will be cross checked whether facilities entering the same data in the reports or not. Etc. If any data queries arise the same will be discussed and clearing in the meeting by M&E officer in that meeting. Every quarter hands on training is providing to the facility staff on SIMS Reports and improving data quality.

In district total 115 facilities and all facilities are entering data in SIMS within timeline. DIS and M&E analysing the data every month after getting all facilities reports, the reports at times have  data gap for some of the indicators such as age wise positive, male female positive, total testing etc.  After reviewing the data gaps DIS and M&E instructions the facilities to review the data and correct it in the system at the earliest.

During field visits the DAPCU staff verify the registers and submitted reports whether reporting data is matching with registers or not. This improves the submission of quality data.


DAPCU Balasore (Orissa) Response to the Theme : Data Quality


The following process is adopted by DAPCU to ensure the Data Quality in SIMS

1.   DAPCU is taking care that all the facilities are submitting reports in time with complete and correct data. Also, DAPCU developed a format for data quality checks.

2.    All NACP facilities submitted their hard copy report by 3rd of every month, then on the basis of their hard copy, a complete compilation report is prepared   which also helps to validate the data in online SIMS.

3.    Once reports are received from facilities, they are crosschecked especially indicators like in referral & out referral system of all facilities.

4.  Also, DAPCU conducts monthly review meeting with all NACP facilities. In that meeting all the reports are submitted, DAPCU presents facility wise data gaps and discuss about how to rectify the problems.

5.    During the field visit the DAPCU staff, crosscheck the data with registers. This helps to improve the quality of data.

6.  DAPCU staff attended the NHM meetings where data is verified with the facility reports. The indicators which are cross verify in that meeting is ANC registration, HIV testing, RPR/VDRL testing and institutional delivery in Govt. health facility.