Tuesday, 9 September 2014

A Great work done by a ICTC Ambad, Jalna District, Maharashtra

Good work done by an ICTC Ambad, Jalna district, Maharashtra

Prior to joining at ICTC, SDH Ambad, Jalna District in Maharashtra, Mr. Vijay D Bansode, worked as a counsellor at DIC in Jalna District. With his experience and daily interactions with PLHIV he learned that PLHIV were not able to avail social benefit scheme (SBS) due to various difficulties like, lengthy process, fear of disclosure of identity, illiteracy, lack of knowledge etc. To overcome this obstacle he decided to use his past experience as a DIC counsellor and help PLHIV in access to SBS.

The path was a difficult one as, after many attempts he was able to meet Rationing Officer (RO) and Tehsildar (Revenue officer) of Ambad block. Proper Advocacy was done, during which Counsellor explained the RO and Tehshildar on HIV program and asked them to support and help the PLHIV to avail SBS. Mr Bansode also approached various Heads’ of departments’ for providing SBS to PLHIV and during the same interaction sensitized them to give priority while sanctioning schemes to PLHIV in government offices. Mr Bansode had already prepared list of clients and kept the required documents ready for submission to the RO office for availing SBS (Sanjay Gandhi Niradhar Yojana).

After the first round of advocacy, it had become routine monthly activity for the counsellor to prepare a list and submit the proposal to RO office for availing Sanjay Gandhi Niradhar Yojana Scheme but the output for this was not forthcoming as expected.

After this successful process of advocacy he decided organise a meeting with RO at ICTC for PLHIVs, this approach was to provide benefit to the more PLHIV in a short time. He coordinated with RO and arranged meeting with PLHIVs for a single window approach for Sanjay Gandhi Nirahdar Yojana, scheme. Thus in a single meeting he was able to facilitate and got sanction for 18 applications on a single day. 

Now the Sanjay Gandhi Niradhar Yojana is now easily being availed by the PLHIV. This was the initial meeting, he also wishes to plan for another such meeting to ensure that all people identified with HIV in his ICTC are given at least Sanjay Gandhi Niradhar Yojana if they are eligible for it.