Sunday, 24 March 2013

DAPCU Balangir Response to Role of DAPCUs to Support TI

 1.      Coverage of HRGs registration:
HRG registration master registers are cross checked during field visit to Hot spot areas of TI operational areas. Their age group is also verified in case of FSW. Some times it is advised not to take old cases.
 2.      Strategies to improve ICTC service to the HRG’s (twice a year):
In each and every month the gap between referral to ICTC and reach of HRG at ICTC is observed / analysed and during monthly coordination cum review meeting to reduce the gaps. It is also advised to PEs that to keep contact with their concerned counsellors (if required) for the availability of the counsellor if the HRGs want to come ICTC beyond the working hour.

3.      Pre ART Registration and Testing for CD4 Count of HRGs found HIV Positive:
PM-TI and PEs are encouraged to accompany the detected clients to ART centre for ART registration. During field visit to TIs it is verified the gaps between detection vs ART registration and the same also discussed before the CDMO in monthly review cum coordination meeting at district level. ART staffs are also keeping contact with TIs to refer their HRG positive clients for ART registration.

      4.      Measures to improve the STI service to the HRG’s and ensure RMCs:
During staff review meeting of TIs client wise STI / RMC / PT etc. service provided are checked and some times cross checked at PPPs to ensure the STI service provision to HRGs. Cross verification is also done through STD clinic if any client has received the STI related treatment.

      5.      Distribution of condoms, needle & syringes to all HRGs:
Though there is no TI on IDU in Balangir, condom distribution is monitored according to their calculation for demand of condoms according to HRG (High, Medium, and Low). PEs are encouraged for promotion of social marketing condoms for proper utilization of condoms and in turn it will prevent infection transmission. Condom stock / availability at TIs are regularly monitored.

      6.      How do DAPCUs and TSUs coordinate to support TIs? Please give examples:
In monthly review cum coordination meeting held under DAPCU under the Chairmanship of CDMO, PO-TSU is invited to attend the meeting and give feedback to the programme. TI performance is also presented before him and triangular suggestions are taken for better implementation of TI programme.

      7.      Does DAPCU support TIs in accessing the district administration? Are there any good practices related to getting social benefit schemes for PLHIV:
In quarterly DAPCC/DCC meeting which is held under the Chairmanship of Collector & Dist. Magistrate all technical and critical decisions are taken immediately into consideration as Dist Collector is the apex body of the committee. It helps a lot to solve the problems related to access the social benefit schemes by PLHIVs (not only to HRGs but to General PLHIVs also) at the very moment.

For an example: opening of zero (0) balance account in bank to get monthly Madhu Babu Pension Yojana (MBPY) & delay in sanction of MBPY and Mo Kudia Yojana (MKY-Concrete House) to PLHIVs. Now in Balangir district 10 nos. of applications are in process of disbursement of MKY through Block Development Officers at Block level.

DAPCU Koraput Response to Role of DAPCUs to Support TI

Strategies utilized in Koraput district for coverage of HRGs registration and improve ICTC service to the HRGs (twice a year)

  • DAPCU, Koraput has been conducting Review meeting of all facility of service providing agencies like CCC, DIC, ICTCs, and RNTCP including TIs. So, in these review-cum-Co-ordination meeting issues related to HRGs like how would they involved in various schemes as well as how the cent percent of the cases reach to ICTC for HIV screening and to fulfill the target of the TIs i.e. screening of HRGs twice in a year are being discussed and try to solve the problem in presence of CDMO & ADMO (PH) & DNO (AIDS), Koraput.
  • While visiting to TIs, DAPCU staffs discussed with PEs of TIs and discuss what are the problems involved while referring of HRGs to ICTCs and we also made a suggesting action to mitigate these problems.
  • DAPCU also involved with TIs during programme at hotspot level and motivating these clients to be tested at the ICTCs.
  • Pre-ART registration and testing for CD4 count of HRGs found HIV +ve measures to improve the STI services to the HRGs and ensure RMC distribution of condoms, needle & syringes to all the HRGs.
  • When a case referred from TIs among HRGs to ICTCs and found HIV +ve them the case referred to ART centre and ensured by the counsellor of ICTC whether the case reached at the ART centre or not. Then, the blood specimen utilized to count the CD4 cell. If the CD4 status is below 350 then ART medication being started for the case with the direct observance of the case.
  • All such types of cases reviewed during the monthly review-cum-co-ordination meeting and all type of assistance has been given to TIs for including these cases in various schemes. Sometime DAPCU staffs also appraising District Collector & DM, Koraput for the same.

How do DAPCUs and TSUs coordinate to support TIs?

  • DAPCU staffs and staffs of TSU visited the TIs (FSWs) in every month and discussed with all the staffs of TIs like Project Manager, Counsellor, ORWs & Peer Educators and try to solve the issues related to them.
  • DAPCU also involved PM or other representative in Co-ordination-cum-Review meeting as well as DAPCC meeting and place their issues before other Service Delivery Units as well as District level line department to provide them different type of assistance and to solve the base level issues.

Does DAPCU support TIs in accessing the district administration? Are there in good practices related to getting Social benefits schemes for PLHIVs?

  • DAPCU always invited the TIs to include them in the monthly Co-ordination-cum-Review meeting on TB-HIV and there the issues related to health, which need to be addressed before CDMO or ADMO (PH) & DNO (AIDS) for the sake of providing various support related to HRGs, are being discussed and necessary step has been taken by CDMO as the head of the District Health Administration. As like same, when required we also drag the attention of District Collector and DM, Koraput relating to some issues what will not be solved by the CDMO, Koraput.
  • Few among the HIV identified cases among HRG cases are involved in livelihood schemes by providing them loan. Some also involved in BPL schemes. DAPCU staffs also consulted with Co-ordinator, Mission Shakti to involve the HRGs (FSWs) in various livelihood supports, so that they will be motivated to involve with such livelihood programme and earn some good price out of it. Very soon we will include them in these schemes. 
  • All the HRGs are involved in Self Help Groups and their accounts has already been opened at the banks and some among them also took loan from the banks to initiate some income generating activities.

Saturday, 23 March 2013

DAPCU Akola Response to Role of DAPCUs to Support TI


Akola district situated in the central part of Vidarbha in Maharashtra having population 18 lack plus. The Akola ART has a burden of more than 7500 PLHIV. The MSM population contributed approximately 30% of HRG in the district. TS/TG and MSM population also registered and getting ART from ART center.   Recently SACS has allotted MSM TI project to the Gunavant Shikshan Sanstha Akola by analyzing all these facts.

It was a great challenge to identify and coordinate this entire HRG group. It’s important to implement new strategy to identify this group, to aware them, to save them from HIV and those who are infected link them to ART services. The NGO has chosen the different way to work for this group. The NGO has organized the mega cultural event only for this group with vast advertising of the program. The NGO has coordinated more than 200 TS/TG populations in very short span of time. 

In the event, HIV/AIDS awareness message given to this group. STI services provided to the needful and HIV facilities were also made available by DAPCU. It has been found that out of 36 HIV testing 4 persons were found positive, which shows more than 11% positivity. These all four PLHIV linked to ART. Its today’s need to work differently for TI, implement new strategies and find out the new way to work out for this group. 

Friday, 22 March 2013

DAPCU Mehsana Response to Role of DAPCUs to Support TI


The role of DAPCUs to support TI-NGOs is very important because DAPCUs are working with TI-NGOs at ground level to support in the betterment of their performance with the goal of reduction in the rate of HIV Positivity in the HRGs.

  1. Every month DAPCU reviews TIs with respect to targets achieved by them, gaps between targets and their achievements, reasons for gaps and hindrances faced by them during their efforts.
  2. Coordination between TIs & ICTCs facilitated by providing HIV-Testing facility through ICTCs.
  3. Whenever any HRG is detected as positive immediately s/he will be sent to ART centre in coordination with the TI people.
  4. Regular visits of TI-NGOs by DAPCU Staff for Supervision.

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Improving access to Educational Scholarships for infected and affected children of PLHIV


  Mehsana is a Category- A District in Gujarat with ANC prevalence of 1.50 % (as per HSS- 2008). Migration rates in Mehsana District from/to other States and Districts are very high. Educational scholarships provide Motivation to parents in continuing the education of their children.

The Department of Social Justice and Empowerment Govt. of Gujarat (GR-No.anth /102009/ provides educational scholarships to infected or affected children of PLHIV. According to this GR, infected or affected children of PLHIV can avail a scholarship of Rs. 2000/- to 3000/- per year. Meeting with District Child Protection Unit (DCPU) Mehsana Staff, DIC Staff & DIS to discuss about educational scholarships to infected or affected children of PLHIV was held in July-2012.
Efforts to provide advantages of the scheme to the entitled were made in coordination of DAPCU and DLN. DAPCU-Mehsana along with DLN, DIC and DCPU-Mehsana initiated efforts towards facilitating the scheme for infected and affected children. The processes are outlined in the flow cited at the end.

In the year 2012- 13, 85 children received scholarships amounting to a sum of        Rs. 2, 27,000. Fresh applications for scholarships are invited each year.

For further information, DAPCU Mehsana can be contacted through DTHO, Dr. D. C. Naik -8980041001 and DIS Bhavesh Rana-7567889079, E-mail dapcu_mehsana@yahoo.Com). DIC coordinator Rohitbhai can be contacted on 9662515342.

Process of facilitating scholarships in Mehsana District is as follows:

Step 1- Identification of HIV infected and affected children
-          Children are identified through positive network, ART centers and ICTCs.
Step 2- Application
-          Meeting with DCPU Mehsana Staff.
-      Taluka wise Meeting of PLHA & DIC to support parents/guardians in filling relevant forms. DCPU Mehsana Staff also attends the Meeting to provide support for filling the form.
-          -Documents required are:
o   Certificate from school principal
o   Mark sheet of the previous year
o   ICTC report of child or parent
o   Death certificate (in case of death of parents)
Step 3- Submission and Review
o   Forms submit to observation home through DCPU-Mehsana for review.
o   Approved Forms are forwarded by the observation home to the  District Authorities
Step 4- Award of Scholarship
o   The scholarship cheques are forwarded from observation homes to DCPU-Mehsana to Taluka Panchayat office & Taluka Panchayat for further forwarding to concern School/Collage.
o   DCPU-Mehsana reports all the activities to the DAPCU and positive network

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

DAPCU Jalpaiguri Response to Role of DAPCUs to Support TI


The role of DAPCUs to support TI-NGOs is very important because DAPCUs are working with TI-NGOs at ground level to support in the betterment of their performance with the goal of reduction in the rate of HIV Positivity in the HRGs & Migrants. TI-NGOs work on different HRG Groups with the predefined targets of registration & contact. DAPCUs monitor their performance periodically with respect to targets achieved by them, gaps between targets and their achievements, reasons for gaps and hindrances faced by them during their efforts. At present, all the works related HIV-AIDS at the district level in West Bengal are being looked after by DAPCUs. TI-NGOs are being supported by us to reach their targets through various manners such that pointing out the gaps between their (TI-NGOs) targets & achievements and giving suggestions to them concerning how to fill those gaps. Truckers Project in our district has been facilitated by providing HIV-Testing facility through Mobile ICTC Vans.

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Sensitization Program for Police on HIV/AIDS by DAPCU Vizianagaram


As per the instruction of APSACS, District AIDS Prevention & Control Unit, Vizianagaram organized Police Sensitization Programmes in Vizianagaram District on 10th January 2013 at Batalion, Chintalavalasa, Vizianagaram and 20th  February 2013 at District Police Training College, Nellimarla, Vizianagaram.   As per communication of APSACS District Police Training Centre and AP Special Police Training Centre approached DAPCU, Vizianagaram  requested us to conduct Training classes to trainees of Constable and Special Police in 2 batches on HIV/AIDS.

District AIDS Prevention & Control Unit, Vizianagaram got communication from APSACS to conduct Sensitization Programme for Trainees of various Police Training Centres in the District.  The Resource Persons for the Programme are as follows:

1.      Basics of HIV/AIDS                           - Dr. D. S. Patnaik, ADM & HO (AIDS & Leprosy)
2.      Components of HIV/AIDS                 - Mr. P. Balajee, DPM, DAPCU, Vizianagaram
3.      ITPA ACT                                          - Dr. D. S. Patnaik, ADM & HO (AIDS & Leprosy)
4.      TI Intervention & Its activities             - Mr. Ashok, President, CBO (MSM)
                                                                 -Mrs. Gowri, President, CBO (FSW)
                                                                - Mrs. Padma, Treasurer CBO (PLHA Network)
5.      Role of Police in HIV/AIDS                - Dr. D. S. Patnaik, ADM & HO(AIDS & Leprosy)

      DAPCU also involved Community in the Programme as per geographical areas of TIs, We involved CBO which are working with FSW/MSM in Vizianagaram Division.  The CBO members came and spoke about their activities.  Formal inauguration by the Head of Institution and Actual secession in the Trainings were facilitated as mentioned the below
    Dr. D. S. Patnaik, ADM & HO (AIDS & Leprosy) covered the Basics of HIV/AIDS, Myths & Misconceptions and clarified the doubts among Police after the completion of the session in every batch.  He also shared live examples in from field experience.
     Mr. P. Balajee, DPM, DAPCU, Vizianagaram spoke about Components of HIV/AIDS in APSACS and He also shared the available services in the District in each component and place of the facility.  It helped the police to know the available services in the District.
    The representative from CBOs participated in the Programme and they shared their activities like, Behavior Change Communication, Condom Promotion, Referrals & Linkages, STI Treatment, CBO formation and etc.   They shared their field experiences and the objectives behind their field work and requested Police for getting support and Cooperation while doing field work.  Police also responded very well and they understood the Programme.
     Mr. P. Gopal Rao, presented ITPA act and he did group activity for getting answers to the questions which are given in the presentation related to ITPA act.  Participants’ actively participated in the Group Discussions and also share their opinions and field experiences in the Session.
   Dr. D. S. Patnaik, ADM & HO (AIDS & Leprosy) told about the Police Role in HIV/AIDS Programme and he said deferent levels of involvement in the Programme and he mentioned the prevalence’s among Police Departments and other same Departments like ARMY and others.
      Finally the Head of the institutions discussed with the participants about take home points and he stressed about Stigma Discrimination in the Community and He requested all participants to help the HIV/AIDS cases while facing Stigma and Discrimination in Villages.
    Out Comes of the Programme:
  1. The Principals of Training Institutions in Vizianagaram District asked ADM & HO (A&L) to organize Sensitization Programme at Police Training Centers. 
    2.      The CBOs felt very happy about this Programme and they said it helped them in getting good support and cooperation from Police Department
    3.      Police People understood the objectives of the TI Programme and concept behind the work.
    4.      The Institution promised to conduct VBD camp in the month of Mach 2013 

Friday, 15 March 2013

DAPCU Churachandpur Response to Role of DAPCUs to Support TI


TI NGOs are the back bone and essential establishment to detect HIV/AIDS and the main provider of support to HRGs & PLHIV on the field in the reality. As such, TI NGOs required technical support for any activities they perform relating to HIV/AIDS Programme. Most of the time, due to limited resources and part-time doctors; numbers of clients visit are too less especially for STD/STI cases. Therefore, following are some suggestions proposed for supporting TI NGOs:

1.  Doctors of TI NGOs should be instructed by Chief Medical Officer to visit timely to particular TI NGOs as per their duty roster.
2. TI-NGOs may be supported with providing medicines from NRHM side. State & National level authorities may be requested to issue the Circular for the same.
3. Joint visit may be performed with Mobile ICTC Van for far-flung areas which are difficult to reach.

If these suggestions could be implemented and accomplished in every district, performance of TI NGOs will become better. Moreover, we hope that actual clients will be get benefitted from the Programme implemented at National Level.

Monday, 11 March 2013

Observance of District Level National Youth Day in Koraput District


National Youth Day is being observed in all parts of the country on the birth day of Swami Vivekananda, a holy, devotional attitude beard person who had presented the importance of our Indian culture and tradition in other parts countries. So, to remember such eminent person and aware the youth groups on HIV/AIDS this day is being observed every year.  

Planning &  Organizing the National Youth Day

After receiving mail on dated 8th January 2013 from OSACS, Bhubaneswar, a prior meeting has been organized at the DAPCU Office on dated 8th January 2013 (3:30 PM). In the meeting all the representative of Service Delivery Units, Co-ordinator, IBCC were present and shared their views for smooth implementation of different activities during observance of National Youth Day on 12th January 2013. In the meeting decisions has been taken with the consent of all service Delivery Units to observe the National Youth Day in a good ways. 

Conduction of Debate and Drawing Competition among different youth groups

Drawing and debate competition has been conducted on 11th January 2013. Before initialization of competition, a meeting has been conducted by involving the Jury members and ADMO (PH). In the meeting all the participants were understood the theme of the day and ground rule of the competitions. Then, drawing competitors of the meeting were requested to go DAPCU hall as the drawing competition was scheduled to be held at DAPCU hall.  In the debate and drawing competitions, 11 nos. & 19 nos. were participated respectively. 

Conduction of mass rally by involving the different stake holders

A rally was organized and it was initiated from CDMO Office campus. The rally was flagged off by Mrs. Malati Majhi, President, Zilla Parishad, Koraput. As per the previous planning the rally was proceded to the Koraput town via- traffic chowk, SP office road, market road, Amla Kutir road, Jagannath Mandir Chowk, Children park, NAC road, collectorate office road and ended at the  CDMO office campus. In the rally all the representative of service delivery units present and all the participants of the rally was collected from different stake holders like NSS, NYK, College students, Youth groups etc. The rally was initiated on 8:30 AM and completed on 9:15 AM.

Conduction of Public meeting 

After the rally a general meeting has been organized at the CDMO Conference Hall, Koraput. In the meeting Mrs. Malati Majhi, President, Zilla Parishad had attended as the Chief Guest of the meeting. In the meeting, Dr. P. K. Mohanty, CDMO, Koraput, Dr. Srilata Sahu, ADMO (PH) & DNO (AIDS), Koraput and Dr. Ch. K. R. Mishra, DTO, DHH, Koraput were attended as the resource person of the meeting. The resource persons were advised and addressed the youth mass to gain the knowledge on HIV/AIDS and disseminate the message on prevention and controlling measures of HIV/AIDS. awareness among the general mass.
After general meeting, prize distribution ceremony has been made and the winners competition were awarded by the Chief Guest of the meeting. The meeting was winded up with a valediction address to the dignitaries and all the participants of the meeting. 

Organization of Blood Donation camp at CHC, Laxmipur

In continuous to the regular activity at the District level, a voluntary Blood Donation Camp was also organized at the CHC, Laxmupur with support of CHC, Laxmipur and Blood Bank, DHH, Koraput. In the Blood Donation camp, 110 units blood collected from the CRPF staffs and general people as well as the staffs of local NGOs. BBO, DHH, Koraput, Medical Officer of UGPHC, Laxmipur, ICTC Counsellor were attended the programme and organized it in a good way. All the Blood donors were appraised with Certificate and snacks.
                However, the whole activities during observance of National Youth Day on 12th January 2013 has been organized by DAPCU, O/o CDMO, Koraput smoothly with good co-operation of all the service delivery units like ART, CCC, RNTCP, BCC Coordinator of Unicef & NRHM, Koraput & district health administration and OSACS, Bhubaneswar.